Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Multi-Currency >> Entering Transactions in Currency Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.4 Using Currencies in Payments This page describes entering a Payment in Currency.--- When you enter a Payment, you can apply a separate Currency to each row in the Payment record. So, you can record every payment that you issue in a single day in a single Payment record, irrespective of Currency (and of Payment Mode and therefore of Bank Account). Each row in a Payment includes the following Currencies and Amounts:
Note that you must enter a Payment Date before specifying a Purchase Invoice Number, so that the correct Exchange Rate can be chosen. If you specify a Purchase Invoice Number and the Bank Amount is not converted to the home Currency, it will be because the Payment Date field is blank.
If you use the same Bank Currency for every row in a Payment (i.e. in every row in the Payment), the Withdrawn figure at the bottom of the window will display the sum of the payment amounts in that Currency. In normal circumstances, you should not change the Bank Amount and Currency. In the case of a partial payment or overpayment, change the Sent Value. The Bank Amount will be recalculated automatically, using the Base and Exchange Rates valid on the date of the Payment. If you change the Bank Amount, the Sent Value will not be updated automatically, so you should only make such an alteration in exceptional circumstances. Examples might be when you know that the exchange rate that will be levied by the bank is different to the latest rate in Standard ERP, or when you know the exact amount of the Payment as withdrawn from your bank account. Changing the Bank Amount is therefore effectively the same as changing the exchange rate for a single Payment row. Please refer to the Exchange Rates at the Bank page for an example. You can enter bank charges to the Bank Fee field on flip I, so you can register separate bank charges for each payment. You should enter the bank charge figure in the Bank Currency. Bank charges will be posted to the Bank Fee Account specified on the 'Creditors' card of the Account Usage P/L setting, as shown below: Using Currencies in transactions of various kinds: