Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Expenses >> Personnel Payment Register Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 8.4 Create Menu - Personnel Payment - Workflow Activity This page describes the 'Workflow Activity' function on the Create menu in the Personnel Payment record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Workflow Activity' function is on the + menu.--- Creating an Activity from a Personnel Payment can be useful when you need to schedule a follow-up task related to it. You can create an Activity from a Personnel Payment using the following methods:
The new Activity will contain the following information:
The Personnel Payment and the Activity will be connected to each other through the Link Manager and Workflow Manager. When reviewing the Activity, you can return to the Personnel Payment quickly and easily using the Link Manager in the Activity, while you can open the Activity from the Personnel Payment using the Workflow Manager. You must save a Personnel Payment at least once before you can create an Activity from it. This is to ensure that the links mentioned in the previous paragraph can be established. The 'Activity: Inspect' window is fully described here --- The Personnel Payment register in Standard ERP:
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