
Personnel Payment Journal

This page describes the Personnel Payment Journal report in the Expenses module.


The Personnel Payment Journal report is a journal of all Personnel Payments issued to members of staff over a selected period.

The report is a list of Personnel Payments, with the No,, Pay Date, Trans. Date, the Signature of the Person who created the record and the Own Bank A/C being shown for each one, followed by a listing of the rows in the Personnel Payment. At the end of the report, a total for each Payment Mode will be shown, together with an overall report total.

Range Reporting    Numeric
If you would like a particular Personnel Payment to be shown in the report, enter its Personnel Payment Number here. You can also enter a range of Personnel Payment numbers, separated by a colon (:).

Personnel Payments in the range that have been Invalidated will not be included in the report.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report period. The report will list Personnel Payments with Transaction Dates that fall in the period that you specify here.

Payment Mode
Paste Special    Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
The report is a list of Personnel Payments, with each row in a Personnel Payment being listed individually. If you only need the report to list Personnel Payment rows with a particular Payment Mode (e.g. Cheque, Cash), enter that Payment Mode here. This will be the Payment Mode specified in the row itself or, in the case of a row with no Payment Mode, the one specified in the header.

Not Ordered, Ordered, OKed
Select one or more of these options to specify the types of Personnel Payments that are to be included in the report.


Reports in the Expenses module:

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