

Creating a Report Using the Report Generator
Creating a Report Generator Report - Specifying the Primary Register
Creating a Report Generator Report - The Appearance of the Report
Creating a Report Generator Report - Choosing a Print Destination
Creating a Report Generator Report - The Width of the Report Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Printing the Report
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding White Space
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Searches
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding a Secondary Register
   - Linking the Primary and Secondary Registers
   - Printing Information from the Secondary Register
   - Printing Elements with Red Line Overstrikes
   - If there are no Records in the Secondary Register
Creating a Report Generator Report - Using Variables and Formulae
Creating a Report Generator Report - Printing Information from Matrices
Creating a Report Generator Report - Bringing Information in from Other Registers
Creating a Report Generator Report - Page Breaks
Creating a Report Generator Report - Filtering Records (Print If)
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Check Boxes to the Specification Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Radio Buttons to the Specification Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Searching for Records within a Period
Creating a Report Generator Report - Break Points, Subtotals and Totals
Creating a Report Generator Report - Blocks
Creating a Report Generator Report - Syntax
Creating a Report Generator Report - Useful Functions
Example Reports - Listing Sales Figures
Creating a Report Generator Report - Common Error Messages

Tutorials for Standard Accounts

Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding a Search - Testing the Second Search

It is worth repeating that it is always a good idea to test each step in the design of a Report Generator report, so that you can catch errors early. To test the second search, click the [Run] button in the Report Definition window to open the specification window:

The appearance of the specification window matches the 'Input' card in the Report Definition record. If you press the Tab key a few times, the cursor will move through the variables in the order that was specified on the 'Data' card. In the illustration below, we searched for Customers belonging to the "CUST" Category, with Contact Numbers between 001 and 010. Both searches are shown in the report header:

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Creating a Report Generator Report:

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