

Creating a Report Using the Report Generator
Creating a Report Generator Report - Specifying the Primary Register
Creating a Report Generator Report - The Appearance of the Report
Creating a Report Generator Report - Choosing a Print Destination
Creating a Report Generator Report - The Width of the Report Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Printing the Report
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding White Space
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Searches
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding a Secondary Register
Creating a Report Generator Report - Using Variables and Formulae
Creating a Report Generator Report - Printing Information from Matrices
   - Linking the Register and its Matrix
   - Printing Information from a Matrix
   - Matrix Rows of Different Types
Creating a Report Generator Report - Bringing Information in from Other Registers
Creating a Report Generator Report - Page Breaks
Creating a Report Generator Report - Filtering Records (Print If)
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Check Boxes to the Specification Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Adding Radio Buttons to the Specification Window
Creating a Report Generator Report - Searching for Records within a Period
Creating a Report Generator Report - Break Points, Subtotals and Totals
Creating a Report Generator Report - Blocks
Creating a Report Generator Report - Syntax
Creating a Report Generator Report - Useful Functions
Example Reports - Listing Sales Figures
Creating a Report Generator Report - Common Error Messages

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