Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Projektiarvestus >> Reports Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Project Invoicing Report - Examples This page contains some illustrated examples of the Project Invoicing report.--- For each Item, a single line is shown with a total amount to be invoiced (in the Sum column). The amount budgeted for each Item is also shown. Clicking (Windows/macOS) or tapping (iOS/Android) on an Item Number opens a second window listing the Project Transactions featuring that Item. This is shown below. In addition (not shown), clicking on an underlined Budget figure opens the appropriate Budget record. If necessary, you can edit the Project Transaction (e.g. you could add a Discount or Markup). After saving, recalculate the reports on the levels above to have the changes included (to do this, select 'Recalculate' from the Operations menu (Windows/macOS) or Tools menu (iOS/Android) in the report windows). This provides an extremely convenient and simple method to make final adjustments to Projects before invoicing. The second section of the Project Invoicing report, entitled 'Invoice', shows the contents of an Invoice, were you to raise one at the time of producing the report. This section will be included in the report if you produce it using the Invoice option. It will include deductions for down payments that have already been invoiced. Each line in this section of the report represents a row as it would appear on the Invoice, following the rules set for the Project on the 'Time & Purchases', 'Stock & Materials' and 'Invoicing' cards. In this example, all four invoicing options are set to "by Items", so a single total invoiceable figure is shown for each Item: Overview per EmployeeProducing the Project Invoicing report with the Overview per Employee option selected will add detail to the 'Invoiceable' section while leaving the 'Invoice' section unchanged.Where the Overview contained a single summary line for each Item used in uninvoiced Project Transactions, the Overview per Employee will contain a single summary line for each Item/Person combination: DetailedProducing the Project Invoicing report using the Detailed option selected will again add detail to the 'Invoiceable' section while leaving the 'Invoice' section unchanged. In the Detailed version of the report, every uninvoiced Project Transaction will be listed individually.Click or tap on an Item Number, employee Signature or Description to open the corresponding Project Transaction and on a Budget figure to open a Project Budget record. As BudgetedIf a Project is to be invoiced on an "As Budgeted" basis, the 'Invoiceable' and 'Invoiced' sections of the report will both reflect the Project Budget if you produce the report before creating an Invoice. For an "As Budgeted" Project, there will not be much difference between the Overview, Overview per Employee or Detailed options: the 'Invoiceable' section in the report will always list uninvoiced Budget rows individually:After creating the Invoice, the Project will be treated as fully invoiced unless you add to the Budget. As you carry work out on the Project. Project Transactions will still be created, to record the costs incurred, but they will never be invoiced. If you now produce the Project Invoicing report for the Project, these Project Transactions will be shown in the 'Invoiceable' section, but the report will not contain an 'Invoiced' section as the Project is fully invoiced. If a Project is partly to be invoiced on an "Actual" basis and partly on an "As Budgeted" basis (for example. it might be that time is to be invoiced on an "As Budgeted" basis and Stocked Items on an "Actual" basis), this will be reflected in the Project Invoicing report. Every uninvoiced Project Transaction will be included in the 'Invoiceable' section, while only those that will be invoiced on an "Actual" basis will be included in the 'Invoice' section. --- Reports in the Job Costing module: