Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Projektiarvestus >> Projektide register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Create Menu - Project - Tag/Object This page describes the 'Tag/Object' function on the Create menu in the Project record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Tag/Object' function is on the + menu.--- At any time but usually when you are entering a new Project, you can use the 'Tag/Object' function n on the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android) to create a record in the Tag/Object register (in the System module and Nominal Ledger) to represent the Project. By default, the Tag/Object Code will be the same as the Project Code and the Tag/Object Name will be the same as the Project Description. It can be useful to create a new Tag/Object dedicated to a particular Project so that its costs and revenue can easily be analysed in the Nominal Ledger. This function will be especially useful if you are using the Project Code the same as Tag/Object Code option in the Project Settings setting. When you select the function, the following window will open, allowing you to create a new Tag/Object: You do not need to save a Project before creating a Tag/Object, but it is recommended that you save the Project first so that there is a Project Code that can be copied to the new Tag/Object. Please refer here for a full description of the Tag/Object register, and here for some examples. --- The Project register in Standard ERP: