Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Production >> Production Operation Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Entering a Production Operation You must create new Production Operations from Productions, and you can only do so from a Production that has a Routing and a Qty specified in the header. With such a Production open, select the 'Production Operations' function from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android). The 'Specify Create Production Operations' window will open: click or tap the [Run] button to confirm that you want to create Production Operations. The appropriate Production Operations will be created, using the Standard Operations specified in the Routing as templates. Please refer to the description of the 'Create Production Operations' function for more details about how the function will use Materials, Standard Operations and the Routing to create Production Operations. You cannot enter Production Operations directly to the Production Operation register.In effect, each Production Operation is a Production in miniature. After creating them, you should work through them in turn, marking each as Finished until the process is complete. As you Finish each Production Operation, the relevant components will be removed from stock. When you Finish the last one, the final assembled Item will be added to stock. You will then be able to return to the Production and mark this as Finished as well. You can find the Production Operations that are connected to a particular Production in two ways:
Since the amount of information stored about each Production Operation will not fit on a single screen, the Production Operation window has been divided into four cards. At the top of each is the header. There are four named buttons ('tabs') in the header. By clicking the tabs you can navigate between cards. The header is always visible, as a reminder of the Production Operation you are working with. --- The Production Operation register in Standard ERP: