
Entering a Room Record - BI Card

This page describes the fields on the 'BI' card in the Room record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the Room record window:

If you are using the BI module (i.e. if the BI option on the 'Technical' card in the Configuration setting in the System module is selected), a 'BI' card will be added to the Room record. This card will contain a graph displaying the monthly rate of occupation over the past year. If you double-click on the graph, it will be opened in a new window where you can change the graph type and the parameters such as the period covered by the graph. You can use Access Groups to prevent certain users from double-clicking on the graph, by denying them access to the 'View BI' Action.

Occupation will be calculated from Reservations that do not have a Reservation Status and those that have a Normal (not checked in) or Normal (checked in) Status. If you have selected the Include Unconfirmed in Availability option in the Hotel Settings setting, Reservations that have an Unconfirmed Status will be included as well.


The Room register in Standard ERP:

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