Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Producción >> Production Order Register Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.1 Entering a Production Order You will probably create Production Orders in three ways:
To open the Production Order register, ensure you are in the Production module and click the [Production Orders] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Production Orders: Browse' window is opened, showing Production Orders already entered. As in all browse windows you may sort the list by clicking on the column headings. To reverse any sort, simply click once again on the column heading. You can also scroll the list with the scroll bars. Finally, you can search for a record by entering a keyword in the field in the top right-hand corner. When you press the Return or Enter key, the first record with a match for the keyword in the current sort column will be highlighted. To enter a new Production Order, click [New] in the Button Bar or use the Ctrl-N (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-N (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcut. Alternatively, highlight a Production Order similar to the one you want to enter and click [Duplicate] on the Button Bar. The 'Production Order: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Production Order. --- In this chapter:
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