
Create Menu - Guest - Add Guest Service

This page describes the 'Add Guest Service' function on the Create menu in the Guest record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Add Guest Service' function is on the + menu.


The 'Add Guest Service' function allows you to create a Guest Service in the name of the Guest. A Guest Service is an instruction to the relevant department (e.g. the front desk or housekeeping) to provide a service required by the Guest.

When you select the function, a 'Guest Service: New' window will open. On the 'Other Details' card, the Guest field will be filled in. Referring to the description of the Guest Services setting here, enter the details of the Service that is required by the Guest and save. If the Guest Service is to be provided daily, use the Check In Date and Check Out Date fields on the 'Other Details' card to specify the period when the Service is required. The Service will be saved in the Guest Services setting.

If you need to charge for a Guest Service, add it to the relevant Guest Account by opening the appropriate Reservation and selecting 'Add Items' from the Operations or Tools menu. If a service will be provided daily, use the 'Repetitive Items' function on the same menu.


The Guest register in Standard ERP:

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