
In-House Guests

This page describes the In-House Guests report in the Hotel module.


The In-House Guests report is a list of occupied Rooms and current Guests on a specified date and at a specified time. In other words, it is a list of Reservations that are checked in.

You can also produce an In-House Guests report for the current date by pressing the [In-House] button in both Resource Planner windows and in the 'Reservations: Browse' window. In these cases, the report will be produced with the List Guest Services option selected.

When printed to screen, the In-House Guests report has the Standard ERP drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Room Number in the report to open a Reservation record.

Paste Special    Choose date
Paste Special    Current time
The report will list the Rooms that are occupied and the Guests who are in those Rooms on the date and time that you specify in these fields.

Paste Special    Room Classifications setting, Hotel module
Default taken from     Local Machine setting (Room Classification field)
If you need the report to list Reservations in Rooms with a particular Room Classification, specify that Classification here.

Paste Special    Room Locations setting, Hotel module
Default taken from     Local Machine setting (Room Location field)
If you need the report to list Reservations in Rooms in a particular Room Location, specify that Location here.

Room Type
Paste Special    Room Types setting, Hotel module
If you need the report to list Reservations with a particular Room Type, specify that Room Type here.

List Guest Services
Select this option if you would like Guest Services ordered by the Guests to be included in the report. Daily Guest Services of all Types, and Specific Day Guest Services that are scheduled for the date that you specify when you produce the report will be included. They will be shown in a separate section at the end of the report.

This option has been selected for the example report illustrated below.


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