Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Rental >> Agreement Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Create Menu - Agreement - Rental Charges This page describes the 'Rental Charges' function on the Create menu in the Agreement record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Rental Charges' function is on the + menu.--- The workflow when managing Agreements requires you to add charges to an Agreement in order to be able to create an Invoice from the Agreement. You can add charges to an Agreement and invoice those charges at any time during the life of the Agreement, and you can do so for the entire period of the Agreement or for a part of it. When you add rental charges to an Agreement, charges for each connected Reservation will be added. You will not be able to add charges for individual or specified Reservations, but you will be able to specify the end date for the charging period. The charge period will run from the Start Date in a Reservation or from the end of the previous charging period if there is one. You can add rental charges to an Agreement for its connected Reservations using the following methods:
The schedule by which charges will be added to an Agreement (e.g. whether they will be added daily or monthly or on a fixed price basis) will be determined by the Charge Types in the connected Reservations. Please refer to the description of the Rental Charge Types setting here for details. In addition to rental charges, the 'Rental Charges' function will also create charges for any additional Items or accessories that you have supplied to a Customer as part of the Agreement for an extra charge and that the Customer will not return. These are Plain or Service Items that you have listed on the 'Accessories' card in a Rental Reservation in rows in which you have set the Type to "Chargeable". If you need to change or remove a charge from an Agreement, work from the Agreement Info report. Please refer to the 'Inspecting, Changing and Removing Charges' section on the Adding and Managing Charges page for details. After adding charges to an Agreement, you can invoice those charges from the Agreement by selecting 'Invoice' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android) or using the 'Invoice Agreements' Maintenance function. If an "Agreement not Valid" message appears when you try to add charges, it will be because the Status of the Agreement is not Active or you have not marked it as OK. --- The Agreement register in Standard ERP: