
Service Orders

This page describes the Service Orders form in the Service Orders module.


Use the Service Orders form when you need to print a Service Order or a range of Service Orders.

You can also print an individual Service Order by opening the record and click (Windows/macOS) or selecting 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms). To print a Service Order to screen, click the Preview icon (Windows/macOS only).

Service Order No.
Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter a Service Order Number to print a single Service Order, or a range of Service Order Numbers, separating the first and last number with a colon (:).
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Service Orders form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Header Fields

These fields will be printed once per Service Order.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Service Order)
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Address 5Fourth line of Invoice Address
Address 6Fifth line of Invoice Address
Address with AttentionName, Attention and Invoice Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
CityPrints the alpha characters in the third line of the Delivery Address (i.e. initial numeric characters will not be printed). If the third line of the Delivery Address is empty, the second line or, if that is also empty, the first line will be printed. For example, if the non-empty line in the Delivery Address is "11135 Stockholm", "Stockholm" will be printed (but if the line is "Stockholm 11135", "Stockholm 11135" will be printed)
City with Zip CodePrints all characters in the third line of the Delivery Address. If the third line of the Delivery Address is empty, the second line or, if that is also empty, the first line will be printed. For example, if the non-empty line in the Delivery Address is "Stockholm 11135", "Stockholm 11135" will be printed
Comment 2Comments (from the 'Terms' card). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Customer Fax Number Fax from the Service Order or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Freight NumberFreight No. from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer NameName (i.e. Customer Name)
Customer Name, jewelleryPrints Salutation 1 + Salutation 2 + Salutation 3 + ANA Code from the Contact record for the Customer, separated by spaces (these fields are renamed Title, First Name, Last Name and Suffix respectively in the Jewellery interface)
Customer NumberCustomer (i.e. Contact Number of the Customer)
Customer Order NumberCust. Ord. No.
Customer Telephone Number Telephone from the Service Order or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer VAT Reg. Number VAT Reg. No. from the Service Order or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer
Date with Month In Words Order Date with the month as a word. For example, 18/12/2022 will be printed as "18 December 2022". The Date Order (e.g. day, month, year) will be taken from the Company Date and Numeric Format setting
Delivery AddressDelivery Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Delivery Address 2 Delivery Address or, if blank, Invoice Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Delivery Mode (levsatt)Delivery Mode
Delivery Mode Text (levsattext)The correct translation for the Language of the Service Order of the Delivery Mode Comment from the Delivery Modes setting, or the Delivery Mode Comment itself
Delivery Term (shipterm)Delivery Terms
Delivery Term Text (shiptermtext)The correct translation for the Language of the Service Order of the Delivery Term Comment from the Delivery Terms setting, or the Delivery Term Comment itself
Department Department from the Contact record for the Customer
EmailEmail from the Contact record for the Customer
Goods Recipient GLNPrints the GLN from the relevant record in the Delivery Addresses setting
Interest RateRate from the Interest setting
Order Address 1First line of Invoice Address
Order Address 2Second line of Invoice Address
Order Address 3Third line of Invoice Address
Order ClassOrder Class
Order Class TextComment from the connected Order Class record
Order Date (orddatum)Order Date
Order NumberNo. (i.e. Service Order Number)
Our ReferenceOur Reference
Payment TermsThe correct translation for the Language of the Service Order of the Payment Term Text from the Payment Terms setting, or the Payment Term Text itself
Planned Delivery DatePlanned Delivery
Salesman A Salesman
Salesman NameName from the Salesman's Global User or Person record
Tag/Object TextNames from each Tag/Object record, separated by commas, up to a maximum of 250 characters
Transaction Date (transdate)Order Date
Your (customers) ReferenceAttention

Branch Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Contact register for the Branch specified in the Service Order (on the 'Del. Terms' card):

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Branch)
Branch Account OperatorAccount Operator
Branch AddressName and Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Branch Bank AccountBank Account
Branch Bank Account 2Bank Account 2
Branch EmailEmail
Branch FaxFax
Branch IBANIBAN Code
Branch PhoneTelephone
Branch Primary ContactPrimary Contact
Branch Registration No. 1Reg. No. 1
Branch Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2
Branch WWW AddressWeb Site

Row Fields

Row fields will be printed once for each row in the Service Order. You should specify a Line Height and set the Format to "Matrix" in these fields.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Service Order)
Contract NumberContract (from flip D)
Description 1Description
Item Barcode BC39Barcode from the Barcodes setting in the Stock module, or Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the Code 39 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses a Code 39 barcode font
Item Barcode EAN 13Barcode from the Barcodes setting in the Stock module, or Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the EAN 13 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses an appropriate EAN 13 barcode font
Item CodeItem (i.e. Item Number)
Item Code 2Item (i.e. Item Number)
Item TypePrints "Invoiceable", "Warranty", "Contract" or "Goodwill", depending on the Invoicing Type in the row
Max CostMax Cost (from flip C)
Serial Number (serienr)Serial No.
Standard ProblemStandard Problem (from flip B)
Standard Problem TextDescription (all three lines) from the Standard Problem record
VAT CodeV-Cd
Warranty Status, RowWarranty Status from the record for the Item/Serial Number combination in the Known Serial Number register
Warranty Until, RowWarranty Until from the record for the Item/Serial Number combination in the Known Serial Number register
Work Order NumberWork Order (from flip B)

Please refer here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.


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