
Production Operation Picking Lists

This document allows you to print a Production Operation as a picking list that warehouse staff can use to transfer the components from the warehouse to the production area. Only rows with In Quantities will be printed.

Prod. Oper. No.
Range Reporting    Numeric
Specify the Production Operations that you want to be printed. You must specify a Production Operation Number or range of Production Operation Numbers: if you leave this field empty, no documents will be printed.
You can use the following fields when you design the Form to be used by the Production Operation Picking List document:

Field in FormPrints (from Production Operation record)
Header Fields (these print once per Production Operation)
Actual QtyActual Qty (number of decimal places determined by the data e.g. "1.00" will be printed as "1", "1.50" will be printed as "1.5", etc)
Calculated VolumeSum of (In Qty * Item Volume from the Item record) for each row (two decimal places)
Calculated WeightSum of (In Qty * Weight from the Item record) for each row (two decimal places)
Delivery Date and TimeThe date and time when the document was printed
End TimeEnd Time
Number of Items in TextPrints as a word the number of different Items in the Production Operation. The word is taken from the relevant record in the Values in Text setting in the System module for the Language of the Production Operation or, if that is blank, the Language in the Company Info setting
Order Number (ordnummer) Prod. Order
Payment Number for RussiaPrints the No. of the Production Operation with the first three characters removed
Production DateEnd Date
Production NumberProd. No.
Serial Number (Number Series) No.
Start DateStart Date
Start TimeStart Time
Sub SequenceSub-Sequence
Total FIFOSum of (Row FIFO) from each row (two decimal places)
Total QuantitySum of (In Qty) from each row (two decimal places)
Total Quantity (totqty)Qty (number of decimal places determined by the data e.g. "1" will be printed as "1", "1.5" will be printed as "1.5", etc)
Row Fields (these print once per Input row, so remember to specify a Line Height. Output rows are not printed)
Alternative CodeAlternative Code from the Item record
BarcodeBarcode from the Item record
Catalog Serialnumber (K-xxxx)If the first character of the Item Number is "K", prints the No. of the Production Operation with "K-" as a prefix. Otherwise, prints the No.
Commodity CodeCommodity Code from the Item record
Conversion 1Conversion 1 from the Item record
Conversion 2Conversion 2 from the Item record
Delivered Quantity (antallev)In Qty (number of decimal places determined by the data e.g. "1" will be printed as "1", "1.5" will be printed as "1.5", etc)
Delivered UnitUnit from the Item record
Department on Item RecordDepartment from the Item record
DepthItem Depth from the Item record (two decimal places)
Description 1Descr.
EU CodeCommodity Code from the Item record
FIFOFIFO (number of decimal places determined by the Round Off setting in the System module)
HeightItem Height from the Item record (two decimal places)
Item Barcode BC39Barcode from the Barcodes setting in the Stock module, or Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the Code 39 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses a Code 39 barcode font
Item Barcode EAN 13Barcode from the Barcodes setting in the Stock module, or Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the EAN 13 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses an appropriate EAN 13 barcode font
Item CodeThe full Item Number, including any portion representing Varieties. For example, if the Item Number is "10126.GRE.SM", "10126.GRE.SM" will be printed
Item VarietiesThe portion of the Item Description representing Varieties. For example, if the Item Description is "Shirt, Green, Small", "Green, Small" will be printed. If the Item does not have Varieties, nothing will be printed
Item Without VarietiesThe basic Item Number, without any portion representing Varieties. For example, if the Item Number is "10126.GRE.SM", "10126" will be printed
Quantity Conversion 1, Quantity Conversion 2, Quantity Conversion 3If the Item record has a Conversion 1 and a Conversion 2, these fields print the relevant quantities. Please refer to the description of these fields in the 'Items and Pricing' manual for details and an example. You should set the Format to 1 in these fields.
Quantity InIn Qty (number of decimal places determined by the data e.g. "1.00" will be printed as "1", "1.50" will be printed as "1.5", etc)
Quantity OutOut Qty
Row NumberRow number
Sales DepthSale Depth from the record in the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module for the Item/Serial Number combination (two decimal places)
Sales HeightSale Height from the record in the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module for the Item/Serial Number combination (two decimal places)
Sales WidthSale Width from the record in the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module for the Item/Serial Number combination (two decimal places)
Serial Number bc39Serial No., printed using the Code 39 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses a Code 39 barcode font
Serial Number (serienr)Serial No.
Shelf CodeShelf Code from the Item record
Sum, FIFOIn Qty * FIFO (number of decimal places determined by the Round Off setting in the System module)
Supplier Address 1If the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the first line of the Invoice Address of the Supplier in that Purchase Item
Supplier Address 2If the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the second line of the Invoice Address of the Supplier in that Purchase Item
Supplier Address 3If the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the third line of the Invoice Address of the Supplier in that Purchase Item
Supplier CodeIf the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the Contact Number of the Supplier in that Purchase Item
Supplier Item No. If the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the Supplier's Item Number in that Purchase Item
Supplier NameIf the Item has a Default Purchase Item, the Name of the Supplier in that Purchase Item
UnitIf the Item has a Unit, the correct translation of the Unit Name from the Units setting for the Language of the Production Operation
VolumeVolume from the Item record (two decimal places)
Volume, rowIn Qty * Item Volume from the Item record (two decimal places)
WeightWeight from the Item record (two decimal places)
Weight, rowIn Qty * Weight from the Item record (two decimal places)
WidthItem Width from the Item record (two decimal places)

Please click here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form.


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