
Introduction to the Form Register

FirstOffice has a built-in forms editor, which allows you to design every document used in the program. To open the editor, ensure you are in the System module using the [Select Module] button in the Master Control panel and click the [Forms] button, also in the Master Control panel.

Double-click on a document to open the editing window, or click [New] or [Duplicate] to create a new Form. When you have designed the Form, click [Save] in the Button Bar to save it in the normal way.

The 'Form: Inspect' window shows the selected Form or document. At the top of the window there are five buttons: [Text], [Line], [Frame], [Field] and [Picture]. In the editing area, each printing object in the Form is shown either as a framed box, or as text. You can select an object by clicking on it with the mouse and then drag it to another place, re-size it etc. as in most drawing programs.