

The Work Sheet is the mechanism by which the time spent and the spare parts used in a repair are registered against a Work Order and hence against a Service Order. Whenever repair work is carried out, you should enter and approve a Work Sheet. You can also enter Work Sheets in advance of the work being done: this will enable Purchase Orders to be raised for spare parts where there is a shortfall in stock. When you approve a Work Sheet, a Work Sheet Transaction is created for each row of the Sheet: these Transactions provide the mechanism by which Invoices are raised for the work. Approval of Work Sheets also results in stock levels of any spare parts used being amended accordingly.

You can enter Work Sheet records directly to the Work Sheet register, or generate them from Work Orders and Service Orders, using the 'Create Work Sheet' function on the Operations menu.

To open the Work Sheet register, select 'Work Sheets' from the Registers menu in the Service Orders module, or click the [Sheets] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Work Sheets: Browse' window is opened, showing Work Sheets already entered:

Work Sheets are normally shown in transaction number order. The OK column contains a check mark for Work Sheets that have been approved. To look at or modify a Work Sheet, double-click an item in the list.