
Sales Ledger Checking

The Sales Ledger Checking report is a tool designed to help track down the cause of any discrepancy between the overall result in the Sales Ledger report and the balance on the Debtor Account. To use this tool, follow these steps:
  1. The overall result in the Sales Ledger report and the balance on the Debtor Account should always match. It is recommended that you check periodically that this is the case. You can do this in two ways:

    1. Produce the Sales Ledger report and a Nominal Ledger report for the Debtor Account and compare the results.

    2. Produce a Sales Ledger Checking report for a particular date. In effect, this option is an automated version of the first option, as the Sales Ledger Checking report will compare the overall total in the Sales Ledger report for the specified date with the balance on the Debtor Account on the same date.

  2. If there is a discrepancy between the Sales Ledger report and the balance on the Debtor Account, produce the Sales Ledger Checking report for the period between the last date when you know when there was no difference and the current date. This will reveal the date when the discrepancy occurred.

  3. Drill down from the date in the report when the discrepancy occurred. This will produce a Sales Ledger Roll Forward report for that date, listing the Sales Ledger records (Invoices and Receipts) and Nominal Ledger Transactions posting to the Debtor Account for that date.

  4. Again using drill-down, check that each record and Transaction is correct and make any corrections as necessary.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Specify the period to be covered by the report.

For each day in the period, the report will display the overall result of the Sales Ledger report and the balance on the Debtor Account, comparing the two figures. Because the Sales Ledger report will be calculated for each day in the period, the report may take some time to be produced if you specify a period that is more than a few days in duration.

Debtors Control A/C's
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Specify the Debtor Account that is to be the subject of the report.

Show differences only
By default, the report will contain a separate line for each date in the report period. Select this option if you would only like a date to be included in the report if there is a difference between the overall result of the Sales Ledger report and the balance on the Debtor Account. This can make the report easier to read, but will not make the report faster to produce because the Sales Ledger report will still need to be calculated for each day in the period.


Reports in the Data Integrity module:

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