The Header fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form are listed on five pages, as follows:
Header fields will be printed once per Invoice. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting. This will remove the decimals even in fields where you have used the Field Argument to control the rounding.
For brevity, the term "VAT" has been used in the field descriptions: it should be read as including other sales taxes (e.g. sales tax calculated using Tax Templates if you are using the Use Tax Templates for Tax Calculation option in the Transaction Settings setting in Nominal Ledger).
The following fields print information taken directly from the Invoice being printed
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Invoice) |
| |
Amount in Text | Prints the TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting |
Amount in Text, Basecurrency 1 | Prints the TOTAL converted to Base Currency 1 as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting |
Amount in Text, Basecurrency 2 | Prints the TOTAL converted to Base Currency 2 as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting |
Amount without Discount | TOTAL |
Authorisation Code 2 | Authorisation |
Balance | Prints the current balance for the Customer |
Catalog Serialnumber (K-xxxx) | If the first character of the Item Number in the first row is "K", prints the No. of the Invoice with "K-" as a prefix. Otherwise, prints the No. |
Country ISO Code | ISO Code from the record in the Countries setting for the Country in the Invoice Address |
Credit Card Fee | Credit Card Fee (used with PayLink) |
Credit Card Number | Credit Card |
Credit Card Type | Type from the record in the Credit Card register for the Credit Card specified in the Invoice |
Currency | Currency or, if blank, Base Currency 1 |
Current User | Signature of current user |
Current User Name | Name from the current user's Global User or Person record |
Customer Fax Number | Fax from the Invoice or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer Name | Name |
Customer Number | Customer |
Customer Order number from Invoice | Cust. Ord. No. |
Customer Telephone Number | Telephone from the Invoice or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer VAT Reg. Number | VAT Reg. No. from the Invoice or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer |
Date with Month In Words | Transaction Date, with the month as a word. For example, 22/12/2014 will be printed as "22 December 2014". The Date Order (e.g. day, month, year) will be taken from the Company Date and Numeric Format setting |
Day | The day from the Transaction Date. For example, the day from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "22" |
Delivery Mode | Delivery Mode |
Delivery Mode (levsatt) | In an Invoice created from an Order or Delivery, the Delivery Mode from the last Delivery created from the relevant Order or, if that is blank or the Invoice was not created from an Order or Delivery, the Delivery Mode from the Invoice |
Delivery Mode Text | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Delivery Mode Comment from the Delivery Modes setting, or the Delivery Mode Comment itself |
Delivery Mode Text (levsattext) | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Delivery Mode Comment from the Delivery Modes setting, or the Delivery Mode Comment itself. This refers to the Delivery Mode printed by the "Delivery Mode (levsatt)" field |
Delivery Term | Delivery Terms |
Delivery Term Text | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Delivery Term Comment from the Delivery Terms setting, or the Delivery Term Comment itself |
Delivery Term Text (shiptermtext) | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Delivery Term Comment from the Delivery Terms setting, or the Delivery Term Comment itself |
Delivery Term (shipterm) | Delivery Terms |
Discount Message | If any of the rows in an Invoice have a discount, this field will print the phrase that you enter as the Field Argument |
Discount Total | Sum of ((Qty * Unit Price) - Sum) for each row |
Discount Total,BC1 | Sum of ((Qty * Unit Price) - Sum) for each row, converted to Base Currency 1 |
Discount Total,BC2 | Sum of ((Qty * Unit Price) - Sum) for each row, converted to Base Currency 2 |
Document Type | Type of the Invoice (prints "Sales Invoice", "Cash Note", "Credit Note" or "Interest Invoice" as appropriate) |
Duplicate | Prints "Duplicate as of " followed by the current date (only prints if the Invoice has previously been printed and if it has been marked as OK) |
Email | Email Address from the Salesman's Person record |
Freight | Freight |
Goods Recipient GLN | Delivery GLN |
Instalment Date | If an Invoice is payable in Instalments, prints as a list the Due Dates of each Instalment. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. If an Invoice is not payable in Instalments, nothing will be printed. An Invoice will be payable in instalments if it has a Payment Term that is connected to a record in the Instalments setting |
Instalment Sum | If an Invoice is payable in Instalments, prints as a list the values of each Instalment. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. If an Invoice is not payable in Instalments, nothing will be printed. Together with the previous field, this allows you to add a table to the Form Template listing the Instalments |
Interest Rate | Interest (only printed for "normal" Invoices and Down Payment Invoices, i.e. not printed for Cash Notes, Credit Notes or Interest Invoices) |
Invoice Comment | Comment |
Invoice Date | Invoice Date |
Invoice Date (Hijri) | Invoice Date (Hijri calendar) |
Invoice Due Date | Due Date |
Invoice Due Date (Hijri) | Due Date (Hijri calendar) |
Invoice Header | Comment |
Invoice No. | No. |
Invoice Type | Type of the Invoice (prints "Invoice", "Cash Note", "Credit Note" or "Interest Invoice" as appropriate) |
Invoice Type (short) | Type of the Invoice (prints "Invoice", "Cash Note", "Credit Note" or "Interest Invoice" as appropriate) |
Local Machine | Machine (field not visible in the interface, the Code of the machine or till on which the Invoice was created, taken from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module) |
Location | Location |
Month | The month from the Transaction Date. For example, the month from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "12" |
Month in words | The name of the month in the current date, taken from the record in the Days and Months setting in the System module for the Language in the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record |
Note | Prints the text of the first Note attached to the Invoice. If you specify a Field Argument, the Note whose Comment is the same as the Field Argument will be printed |
Number of Items in Text | Prints the number of different Items in the Invoice as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the Company Info setting. For example, if the Items in an Invoice are 10101, 10102, 10103 and 10101, three different Items are being sold so "three" will be printed |
Object | Objects |
Object Text (objekttext) | Names from each Object, separated by commas, up to a maximum of 250 characters |
Order Number | Order No. |
Order Number (ordnummer) | Service Order No. |
Ordering Customer Name | Name (if the Invoice has an Original Customer) or Name from the Order from which the Invoice was created (otherwise) |
Ordering Customer Number | Original Customer or, if blank, the Customer from the Order from which the Invoice was created |
Original/Copy | Prints "Original" (if the Invoice has not previously been printed) or "Copy" (otherwise) |
Our Reference | Our Reference |
Own Bank Account (IBAN) 2 | Account (IBAN) from the record in the Banks setting for the Account Operator specified in the Invoice or, if there is no Account (IBAN) specified, the Bank 1 specified in the Company Info setting |
Own Bank Name 2 | Name from the record in the Banks setting for the Account Operator specified in the Invoice or, if there is no Name specified, the Bank Code specified in the Company Info setting |
Payment Terms | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Payment Term Text from the Payment Terms setting, or the Payment Term Text itself |
Planned Arrival Date | Plan. Arrival Date |
Planned Arrival Time | Plan. Arrival Time |
Planned Sent Date | Plan. Sent Date |
Planned Sent Time | Plan. Sent Time |
Positive/Negative in text | Prints "Amount positive" (if TOTAL is positive) or "Amount negative" (if TOTAL is negative) |
Prepaid | Total value of any Prepayments connected to the Invoice |
Price Text | Prints "Gross Price" (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or "Nett Price" (otherwise) |
Project Number | Project |
Quantity 2 Total | Sum of the values in the "Quantity Out" row field |
Quantity in Text | Prints the sum of Qty in each row as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the Company Info setting |
Quotation Number | No. from the Quotation from which the Invoice was created |
Rate | Exchange Rate, expressed as a ratio |
Rate for Base Currency | Base Currency Rate, expressed as a ratio |
Reason | Credit Reason |
Reason Text | Description from the record in the Standard Problems setting for the Credit Reason. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field |
Recipient GLN | GLN |
Reference (Invoice) | Reference |
RF Reference | International Creditor Reference number (ISO 11649 RF Reference), constructed from the Customer Number and the Invoice Number |
Round Off | Prints the amount lost or gained by the process of rounding the TOTAL according to the Total rounding rules set for the Currency/Payment Term combination in the Currency Round Off setting or in the Round Off setting (i.e. when the TOTAL is rounded to fewer decimal places than the Default). A loss will be printed as a negative figure |
Salesman A | Salesman |
Salesman Name | Name from the Salesman's Person record |
Service Delivery Date | Service Del. Date |
Service Order Number | Service Order No. |
Subtotal excluding Freight | Subtotal - Freight |
Subtotal in Base Currency 1 | Subtotal, converted to Base Currency 1. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Subtotal in Base Currency 2 | Subtotal, converted to Base Currency 2. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Subtotal with VAT | Subtotal + VAT (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or Subtotal (otherwise) |
Subtotal without discount | Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row |
Subtotal without packages | Sum of Sum in each row in which the Item belongs to an Item Group in which the Type is "Default" or "Transport" and in each row in which the Item does not belong to an Item Group |
Sum | Subtotal. |
| The number of decimal places will be as shown on screen in the Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1" |
Sum, excluding Freight | Subtotal - Freight |
Sum, VAT | VAT |
Sum VAT-base incl. zero rate | Subtotal - the figure printed by the "Total Non Taxable" field (below) (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or TOTAL - VAT - the figure printed by the "Total Non Taxable" field (below) (otherwise) i.e. this field prints the value of the Invoice that is taxable |
TAX 1 | Ext. Tax |
TAX Sum | Ext. Tax |
TAX Sum 2 | Tax2 |
Terminal ID | Terminal ID (field not visible in the interface, the Terminal ID of the machine or till on which the Invoice was created, taken from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module) |
To Pay | TOTAL. |
| The number of decimal places will be as shown on screen in the Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1" |
To Pay after Prepayments | TOTAL - the total value of any Prepayments connected to the Invoice |
To Pay after Prepayments in Base Currency 2 | TOTAL - the total value of any Prepayments connected to the Invoice, converted to Base Currency 2 |
To Pay excluding Freight | Subtotal - Freight + VAT |
To Pay in Base Currency 1 | TOTAL, converted to Base Currency 1. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
To Pay in Base Currency 2 | TOTAL, converted to Base Currency 2. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
To Pay in Text | Prints as a phrase (TOTAL - the total value of any Prepayments connected to the Invoice). The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting |
To Pay only Decimals | Prints the first two decimals from the TOTAL (for example, 1,234.56 will be printed as 56) |
To Pay without Decimals | TOTAL, with decimals removed (for example, 1,234.56 will be printed as 1,234) |
To Pay, with Sign Argument | TOTAL. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
To Pay/To Pay Back Amount | If the Invoice being printed is a Credit Note, the TOTAL (otherwise blank) |
To Pay/To Pay Back Text | If the Invoice being printed is a Credit Note, prints "To Pay" (if the TOTAL is negative) or "To Pay back" (if the TOTAL is positive) (otherwise blank) |
Total Cost | Sum of (Qty * Cost) for each row |
Total Discount | Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row - Subtotal |
Total Discount Base Currency 2 | Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row - Subtotal, converted to Base Currency 2 |
Total Discount for Pensioners | Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row - Subtotal. This figure will only be printed if the Age Status in the Contact record for the Customer is "Pensioner" |
Total Discount without packages | Sum of the discount in each row in which the Item belongs to an Item Group in which the Type is "Default" or "Transport" and in each row in which the Item does not belong to an Item Group |
Total for Packages Item | Sum of Sum in each row in which the Item belongs to an Item Group in which the Type is "Packages" |
Total FIFO | Sum of Row FIFO in each row (flip D) |
Total Goods | Sum of Sum in each row in which the Item belongs to an Item Group in which the Type is "Default" and in each row in which the Item does not belong to an Item Group |
Total Internal Taxes | Sum of Ext. Tax in each row in which the VAT Code has a Tax Rule belonging to the "Normal with Internal Taxes" Type |
Total Net Weight | Sum of (Qty * Net Weight from the Item record) for each row |
Total Non Taxable | Sum of Sum in each row in which the VAT Value is zero (plus Freight if that also does not attract VAT) i.e. this field prints the value of the Invoice that is not taxable or zero-rated |
Total Quantity (totqty) | Sum of Qty in each row |
Total Row Total | Sum of (Sum + VAT) in each row (will not include rows with a VAT Code in which the Tax Calculation Rule (on flip F of the VAT Codes setting) is set to "Skip Calculation"). If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Total Sum Excl. VAT | Subtotal (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or TOTAL - VAT (otherwise) |
Total Taxable Including VAT | Subtotal - the figure printed by the "Total Non Taxable" field (above) + VAT. You should only use this field in Invoices in which prices exclude VAT |
Total Transport Cost | Sum of Sum in each row in which the Item belongs to an Item Group in which the Type is "Transport" |
Total VAT Base | Sum of Sum in each row (will not include Sums from rows with a VAT Code in which the Tax Calculation Rule (on flip F of the VAT Codes setting) is set to "Skip Calculation"). If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Total VAT Perceptions | Sum of Ext. Tax in each row in which the VAT Code has a Tax Rule belonging to the "Normal with VAT Perceptions" Type |
Total VAT Value | Sum of VAT in each row (will not include VAT from rows with a VAT Code in which the Tax Calculation Rule (on flip F of the VAT Codes setting) is set to "Skip Calculation"). If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Total VAT Value for VAT with Skip Calculation | Sum of VAT in each row with a VAT Code in which the Tax Calculation Rule (on flip F of the VAT Codes setting) is set to "Skip Calculation". If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
Total Volume | Sum of (Qty * Item Volume from the Item record) for each row |
Total Weight | Sum of (Qty * Weight from the Item record) for each row |
Total without Withholding Taxes | TOTAL - the value of any Withholding Tax rows |
Transaction Date (transdate) | Trans. Date |
Transaction Date (transdate) (Hijri) | Trans. Date (Hijri calendar) |
Transaction Time (transtime) | Trans. Time |
VAT | VAT. |
| The number of decimal places will be as shown on screen in the Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1" |
VAT in Base Currency 1 | VAT, converted to Base Currency 1. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
VAT in Base Currency 2 | VAT, converted to Base Currency 2. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value |
VAT in Text | Prints the VAT as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting |
Year | The year from the Transaction Date. For example, the year from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "2014" |
Your (customers) Reference | Attention |
Pages listing the fields that you can use in the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form: