Info in Project Info Report - Card 3
This page describes the fields on card 3 of each record in the Info in Project Info Report setting. Please refer to the following pages for descriptions of the other cards:
Use the options on this card to specify whether Retention and Down Payment information, Quotations, Invoices and/or Activities will be included in the Project Info report when it is produced by the user specified in the
header. Separate sections will be added to the report for each option selected.
- Include Retention Info
- Select this option if you would like a section to be added to the Project Info report listing the rows from the 'Down Payments' card in a Project in which the Type is "Retention".
- Include Down Payment Info
- Select this option if you would like a section to be added to the Project Info report listing the rows from the 'Down Payments' card in a Project in which the Type is "Down payment".
- Include Quotations
- Select this option if the Project Info report should include a section that lists any Quotations connected to a Project. This option will have no effect if you leave the Number of Quotations field empty.
- Number of Quotations
- Specify here the maximum number of Quotations that will be shown in the report, starting with the most recent. No Quotations will be listed if you leave this field empty.
- By default there is no limit to the number of Quotations that can be entered for a particular Project, but you can specify that only a single Quotation is allowed by selecting the Allow one Quotation per Project only option on the 'Terms' card in the Project Settings setting.
- Quotation Class
- Paste Special
Quotation Classes setting, Quotations module
- Enter a Quotation Class here if you need to restrict the listing to Quotations belonging to a particular Class.
- Include Invoices
- Select this option if the Invoices connected to a Project are to be listed in the Project Info report. You must also enter a number in the Number of Last Paid Invoices field.
- Number of Last Paid Invoices
- Specify here how many Invoices are to be included in the Project Info report. You must select the Include Invoices option as well.
- Include Activities
- Select this option if a list of Done Activities is to be included in the Project Info report.
- Include Not Done
- If the list of Activities in the Project Info report is to include Activities that are not Done, select this option. This means Activities of all kinds will be listed. For this option to have any effect, you must also select the Include Activities option.
- Last Done Activities
- Specify here the maximum number of Done Activities that will be shown in the report. The most recent Done Activities will be shown. If you are also using the Include Not Done option, all such Activities that are later than the earliest Done Activity will also be shown. Leave the field blank to list all Activities.
Settings in the Job Costing module:
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