
Creating a New Database - Modules, Users and Companies

After creating a new database, you may want to check that you have been granted access to the appropriate modules and that the correct numbers of users and Companies have been registered. To do this, you will use the Configuration setting in the System module To open this setting, follow these steps:
  1. Click the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre or use the Ctrl-0 (zero) (Windows) or ⌘-0 (macOS) keyboard shortcut.

  2. Choose the System module by double-clicking.

  3. Open the 'Settings' list using the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcut or by clicking the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre.

  4. Select 'Configuration' by double-clicking. The 'Configuration: Inspect' window appears:

Usually you won't need to change anything in the Configuration setting, apart from the Server Hardware and Server OS. When you obtain an Enabler Key, this setting will be filled out with information taken from your contract with HansaWorld. However, before applying for an Enabler you can select the modules that you need so that you can carry out any necessary configuration work. Details about applying for an Enabler Key are here.

The total number of users you are subscribing to (including both Named and Concurrent Users) will be shown in the Total Users field, and the number of Concurrent Users in the Concurrent Enablers field. The number of additional Mailboxes (to be used with Concurrent Users) will be shown in the Extra Concurrent Mailboxes field. Mailboxes belonging to Named Users will not be included in this field. Please refer here for details about Named and Concurrent Users.

The number of Companies will be shown in the lower part of the window. You may need additional Companies if your business is one where there are separate departments or subsidiary companies that keep separate accounts, as described on the Companies and Databases page. For details about adding Companies, please refer to the Changing and Adding Companies page.

The remaining sections of the window (visible by clicking the seven buttons marked 'Basic', 'Verticals', etc) will display the modules that you are subscribing to.

In the Server Hardware and Server OS fields at the top of the window, choose the options that describe your hardware most accurately. If you have a single-user system, choose the options that apply to the machine on which you will be using Standard ERP). To choose an option, place the cursor in one of these fields and press the Ctrl-Enter (Windows) or ⌘-Enter (macOS) key combination. A selection list will appear in which you can choose an option by double-clicking.

When the Configuration setting is complete, click the [Save] button.


Multi-user Installation:

Single-user Installation:
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