Entering a Purchase Item - Price Card
- Price
- Enter the purchase price for the Item offered by this Supplier. This figure is per Supplier Unit (see below), and should be in the Currency specified below.
- When you enter a Purchase Order or Goods Receipt, the correct price for each Item for the Supplier in question will be brought in automatically from the appropriate Purchase Item record. If the Purchase Item is a Default Purchase Item, this price will also be used in Purchase Orders created by the functions that create Purchase Orders in batches.
- When you receive Items into stock (i.e. when you approve and save Goods Receipts), you can have the Cost Prices in the relevant Item records updated automatically. This automatic updating is not extended to Purchase Items. To update the Price of Purchase Items in a single step, use the 'Update Purchase Items' Maintenance function in the Purchase Orders module.
- Purchase Cost
- The extra cost associated with a purchase transaction for this Item from this Supplier. Any value entered here will be transferred on a per unit basis to the Customs fields on flip C of each Goods Receipt row. The whole figure will be copied to the Customs field in the Goods Receipt footer. This figure should be in your home Currency.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register
- Default taken from Supplier (Purch. Currency)
- If the Price (above) is recorded in a Currency other than your home Currency, record that Currency here.
- You can use the 'Update Purchase Items' Maintenance function to update the Price from the Cost Price of the equivalent Item. The Cost Price in the Item register is always in your home Currency. If you have specified a Currency here, the updating process will include a Currency conversion calculation using the appropriate Exchange Rate.
- Unit Conv., Supplier Unit
- Paste Special
Units setting, Sales Ledger
- You should use these fields when an Item is purchased in a different Unit to which that in which it is sold.
- Enter the purchasing Unit in the Supplier Unit field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. Then, use the Unit Conversion field to show the relationship between the Supplier Unit and the sales Unit (shown on the 'Pricing' card of the Item record). The Price (above) will refer to the Supplier Unit.
- For example, your firm sells the Item in single units, but the Supplier sells in boxes of 12. In this case, the Unit on the 'Pricing' card of the Item record will be "Item", the Supplier Unit will be "Dozen", and the Unit Conversion will be "12". The Price (above) will be for one dozen.
- If you subsequently need to order 240 of the Item, enter "240" as the Quantity on the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order's Sup. Qty field (on flip B of the 'Items' card) will be calculated to show "20", i.e. the order quantity from the Supplier's point of view (Quantity divided by Unit Conversion). This figure is shown as the Quantity on the Purchase Order document.
- The Units setting in the Sales Ledger module allows you to record various translations of the name of the Supplier Unit. This text will appear, in translation if necessary, on printed Purchase Orders.
- Leave these fields empty if the purchasing and sales Units are the same. In this case, the Price will be per sales Unit.
- Supplier Item
- Used as default in
Purchase Orders
- The code allocated to the Item by this Supplier. This will be shown as the main Item Code on the Purchase Order document.
- Norm Ord. Qty, Min Order Qty
- These fields control the calculation of suggested Purchase Order quantities in the Purchase Suggestion and Reordering Requirements reports (and, optionally, in the Deficiency List), and in stocking Purchase Orders created by the 'Create Purchase Orders' Operations menu function in the 'Purchase Orders: Browse' window.
- These reports and Operations menu function will suggest a Purchase Order Quantity when there is a deficiency in the stock level of an Item. There will be a deficiency if the stock balance of the Item after all outstanding Sales, Purchase and Production Orders have been fulfilled is its Minimum Stock Level (specified in the Minimum Stock Levels setting in the Stock module, or on the 'Stock' card of the Item record). If there is a deficiency, the suggested order quantity in the report or the next Purchase Order will be the deficiency itself or the Normal Order Quantity, whichever is the greater. If the deficiency is less than the Minimum Order Quantity, nothing will be ordered.
- The Normal Order Quantity is therefore the minimum order quantity that the Supplier will accept, while the Minimum Order Quantity is the minimum deficiency that there must be before the Item can be reordered. If you leave both these fields blank, the suggested order quantity will be the deficiency (i.e. a quantity sufficient to bring the stock balance of the Item up to its Minimum Stock Level).
- If the Normal Order Quantity is greater than the Minimum Order Quantity, then the Minimum Order Quantity will be treated as being zero.
- If you want the suggested order quantity always to be a multiple of the Normal Order Quantity, switch on the Suggest Full Multiples of Normal Ordering Quantity option in the Purchase Order Settings setting.
- When you create back-to-back Purchase Orders using the 'Create Purchase Orders' Maintenance function in the Sales Orders module, the Minimum Order Quantity will be the minimum order quantity that the Supplier will accept. This will also be the case when you use the 'Create Planned Records' Maintenance function, also in the Sales Orders module.
- These figures should be quantities expressed using your sales Unit, not the Supplier Unit.
- Producer
- Paste Special
Suppliers in Contact register
- Enter the code of a Producer or manufacturer, if required.
- Country of Origin
- Paste Special
Countries setting, System module
- The country of origin.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Default taken from Current User
- Enter the initials of the Person responsible for this Purchase Item.
- This field is also used by the Limited Access module: please refer to the description of the Sales Group field (below) for details.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System module
- Default taken from Salesman
- The Sales Group is brought in from the Person record after you have entered a Salesman. If you are using the Limited Access module, you can use this field can be used to prevent a user from seeing every Purchase Item in the 'Purchase Items: Browse' and Purchase Item 'Paste Special' windows by restricting their view to their own Purchase Items or to those of their Sales Group.
- Please click here for full details of the Limited Access module.
- Delivery Days
- Record here the typical lead time it takes to receive this Item from the Supplier. If the Purchase Item is a Default Purchase Item, this lead time will be used by the 'Create Planned Records' Maintenance function in the Sales Orders module. This function creates Purchase Orders whose dates are calculated using the Planned Delivery Date of Sales Orders and this lead time. This ensures Purchase Orders for Items on Sales Orders are raised as late as possible, so that the goods arrive just before they are scheduled for delivery to the Customer.