This form allows you to send Reminders to Customers for overdue Invoices. A separate Reminder will be printed for each Invoice. This distinguishes it from the
, which displays a Customer's current credit position by listing the overdue Invoices on a single page, Depending on how you design the Form Template, each Reminder can contain Reminder messages of increasing severity depending on the number of previous Reminders (i.e. depending on the Reminder Level in an Invoice). These messages are taken from the
setting, and will be printed in the "Reminder Text" field.
If you don't need to print Reminders for each individual Invoice and would prefer to print a single one for each Customer, you can do so by printing the Debtors Letter or the Open Invoice Customer Statement, providing you have included the "Reminder Level (remtext)" field in the Form Template. The Reminder Levels in the outstanding Invoices for a particular Customer will be checked and the Reminder Text for the highest Level will be printed in that field.
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Reminders form. A separate Reminder will be printed for each overdue Invoice, and each field will be printed once per Reminder. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Customer or from the Invoice from which the Reminder is printed) |
| |
Address | Name (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Invoice. This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.) |
Address 1 | Name from the Invoice |
Address 2 | First line of the Invoice Address from the Invoice |
Address 3 | Second line of the Invoice Address from the Invoice |
Address 4 | Third line of the Invoice Address from the Invoice |
Address 5 | Fourth line of the Invoice Address from the Invoice |
Address 6 | Fifth line of the Invoice Address from the Invoice |
Address Name | Name from the Invoice |
Currency | Currency from the Invoice or, if blank, Base Currency 1 |
Customer Fax Number | Fax from the Invoice or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer Number | Customer from the Invoice (i.e. Customer Number) |
Customer Registration No. 1 | Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer Registration No. 2 | Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer Telephone Number | Telephone from the Contact record for the Customer |
Customer VAT Reg. Number | VAT Reg. No. from the Invoice |
Delivery Address | Delivery Address from the Invoice (the first line of this address will only be printed if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.) |
Department | Department from the Contact record for the Customer |
Document Type | Prints the word "Reminder". This field only prints if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Portuguese" |
Extra Cost | Additional Cost from the specification window |
Interest Fee | Base Price from the Item quoted in the Invoicing Fee field in the Interest setting |
Interest Rate | Interest from the Invoice |
Invoice Type | Prints the word "Reminder" |
Invoice Type (short) | Prints the word "Reminder" |
Invoice Comment | Comment from the Invoice |
Invoice Date | Invoice Date from the Invoice |
Invoice Due Date | Due Date from the Invoice |
Invoice No. | No. from the Invoice |
KID Checksum | KID Code checksum for the Invoice |
KID Code | KID Code for the Invoice (formatted depending on the Bank, Client Code (OCR) and OCR Code option specified on the 'OCR' card of the Bank Transfer setting) |
KID code with no Checksum | KID Code for the Invoice without checksum |
Official Serial Number | Official No. from the Invoice |
Order Address 2+4 | Invoice Address from the Invoice. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field |
Our Reference | Our Reference from the Invoice |
Payment Terms | The correct translation for the Language of the Invoice of the Payment Term Text from the Payment Terms setting, or the Payment Term Text itself |
Reference | Payment Ref from the Invoice (Payment Ref is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Finnish") |
Reminder Date | The date when the Reminder was printed |
Reminder Level | Reminder Level from the Invoice |
Reminder Text | Prints the corresponding Reminder Text for the Reminder Level of the Invoice, taken from the Reminder Texts record for the Language of the Invoice. A Reminder Text can occupy up to three lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field |
Settlement Discount Date | The date on which the Settlement Discount offered on the Invoice expires |
Settlement Discount 2 Date | The date on which the second Settlement Discount offered on the Invoice expires |
Status | Number of days by which the Invoice is outstanding (i.e. number of days from its Due Date to the date of printing), printed as a negative figure |
Sum + interest fee | Value in the "To Pay" field (converted to Base Currency 1) + the value in the "Interest Fee" field |
To Pay | Outstanding amount on the Invoice, in the Currency of the Invoice |
To Pay in Base Currency 1 for Reminder | Outstanding amount on the Invoice, converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate in the Invoice |
To Pay in Base Currency 2 for Reminder | Outstanding amount on the Invoice, converted to Base Currency 2 using the Exchange Rate in the Invoice |
To Pay only Decimals | Decimals only from the outstanding amount on the Invoice, in the Currency of the Invoice (for example, 1,234.56 will be printed as 56) |
To Pay without Decimals | Outstanding amount on the Invoice, in the Currency of the Invoice, with decimals removed (for example, 1,234.56 will be printed as 1,234) |
Your (customers) Reference | Attention from the Invoice |
for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.