
Pack Types

Use this setting to store information about the various types of package used by your company when making Deliveries. Examples might be envelopes, padded envelopes and boxes of various sizes. If you would like this information to be printed on Delivery documentation (to allow the Customer to ascertain quickly that the correct number and type of packages has been delivered), include the "Packages, row", "Package Description, row" and "Number of Packages" fields in your Form design. The first field prints the number of packages in a Delivery row, while the last prints the total number of packages in a Delivery.

The 'Pack Types: Browse' window lists the available Pack Types: double-click to modify or click [New] to create a new record.

In the 'Pack Type: New' window, you should enter a code and a short descriptive text. The code may contain up to five characters, and you may freely mix letters and numbers. Click [Save] to save changes.