Registering and Issuing Gift Vouchers
Before you can sell Gift Vouchers and take them as payment, you must register them in the system. You can do this in advance, or you can do it as you sell them, through the 'Paste Special' feature. Bear in mind that each Gift Voucher can only be sold once.
Use the Gift Vouchers Issued setting to register Gift Vouchers. To open this setting, ensure you are in the Sales Ledger or in the Point of Sales module and click the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre (or use the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcut). When the 'Settings' list opens, double-click 'Gift Vouchers Issued'. The 'Gift Vouchers Issued: Browse' window opens: open a new record by selecting 'New' from the Create menu in the Button Bar.
- No.
- Paste Special
Select from another Number Series
- A unique Voucher Number for each Gift Voucher will be generated automatically from the first valid number sequence in the Number Series - Gift Vouchers setting. You may change this number, but not to one that has already been used. If you are working in a multi-user system, the Voucher Number will be assigned when you first save the Gift Voucher.
- Value
- Enter the value of the Gift Voucher. This figure should include VAT.
- Trans. Date
- Paste Special
Choose Date
- The date of registration. You must enter a date before you can save the Gift Voucher.
- Expiry Date
- Paste Special
Choose Date
- The last date when the Gift Voucher can be used: you will be prevented from selling expired Gift Vouchers. You must enter a date before you can save the Gift Voucher, and the date cannot be earlier than the Trans. Date.
- If you have specified a figure in the Expiry Months field in the Gift Voucher Settings setting, a default Expiry Date will be calculated by adding that figure to the Trans. Date.
- Comment
- The comment that you enter here will be shown in the Invoice when you sell the Gift Voucher.
- Barcode
- Record the Bar Code of the Gift Voucher here.
- Providing the Barcode does not clash with your Voucher Numbers, you can enter it in Invoices instead of the Voucher Number when you sell the Gift Voucher or receive it in payment. This can be useful if you use barcode scanners.
- OK
- Tick the OK box to approve the Gift Voucher. Once you have done this and have saved the record, no further changes can be made. You will be prevented from selling Gift Vouchers that have not been marked as OK.
When the record is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save, and close it by clicking the close box.
Gift Vouchers in Standard ERP:
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