
Autotransactions - Creating a new Autotransaction from an existing one

  1. Double-click 'Autotransactions' in the 'Settings' list.

    The 'Autotransactions: Browse' window opens, listing existing records.

  2. Click the Autotransaction you want to copy, and click [Duplicate] in the Button Bar. Alternatively, double-click the existing Autotransaction and, when it opens, click [Duplicate]. A copy of the selected Autotransaction is shown in the window. The title bar reads "Autotransactions: New", indicating that a new record has been created but not yet saved.

  3. Edit the Autotransaction in the usual way, and enter the missing information. The new Autotransaction must be given a new, unique Code.

  4. Save the record using the [Save] button or click [Cancel] to discard the record. Close the window by clicking the close box.