
EU VAT Sales

The EU VAT Sales form produces a list of Customers, showing sales totals excluding VAT for each one for the specified period. You will usually use it to produce a list of all non-domestic EU sales, for the purpose of satisfying the EU VAT reporting requirements. This form has the same selection options and prints the same information as the report of the same name, but as it is a form you can design the printed output to meet your requirements using the Form Template register in the System module.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Sales figures for each Customer will be calculated from Invoices falling in the period specified here.

Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
If necessary, enter here the Customer Number of the Customer (or range of Customers) you wish to have included in the printout.

Paste Special    Contact Classifications setting, CRM module (if installed)
If you want to restrict the printout to Customers with a particular Classification, specify that Classification here. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, the printout will only list those Customers with all the Classifications listed.

VAT Zone
The printout can list Customers from any or all of the three Zones. Use these options to specify which ones. The Inside EU option includes the Inside EU (Post VAT) Zone, while the Outside EU option includes the Outside EU (Post VAT) Zone. You must choose at least one option, otherwise the printout will be empty.

Only Customers with balance
By default the printout will list all the Customers in the specified range and in the specified VAT Zone(s). Use this option to exclude Customers with no turnover during the report period. A Customer with an Invoice and Credit Note of equal value will be excluded.

Item Type
Use these options to include or exclude Items of various Types in the sales figure calculations. In some countries, only goods should be included in the report, not services.

If you do not check any of these boxes, the sales figure calculations will include Items of all Types.
When you design the Form Template to be used by the EU VAT Sales form, the fields that you can use fall into two broad categories:
  • Fields that will be printed once. These fields will print date information and a total.

  • Row fields. A separate row will be printed for each Customer.
Listed below are the fields you can use when designing the Form Template to be used by the EU VAT Sales form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Header Fields (these print once per form)
DayThe day from the current date. For example, the day from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "22"
MonthThe month from the current date. For example, the month from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "12"
Month in wordsThe name of the month in the current date, taken from the record in the Days and Months setting in the System module for the Language in the current user's Person record
SumSum of the values in the "Row Sum" row field
YearThe year from the current date. For example, the year from 22/12/2014 will be printed as "2014"
Row Fields (these print once for each Customer, so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix")
Country Code Country from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Name Name from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Registration No. 1Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Customer
Ordering Customer NameNo. from the Contact record for the Customer
Row NumberLine number in the document
Row SumEach Customer's overall sales turnover excluding VAT for the period (if you have not selected any of the Item Type options in the specification window) or the value of sales of selected Item Types excluding VAT (otherwise)

Please click here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.


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