
Asset Status Examples - Stocktaking

This example describes using as Asset Status record to store the results of a stock count of your Assets.

You can use the Stocktaking List - Assets report as the basis for the stock count. When you produce the report for the first time, it will look something like this:

The report provides one row per Asset, showing the quantity recorded as being in stock and a space where you can note the actual quantity. This information is taken from the Asset register and from records in the Asset Status register in which the Type is Inventory.

The report contains a "Status" column. The Status of an Asset that has never been included in an "Inventory" Asset Status record will be shown as "Not Recorded". At the moment in the example, this is case for most Assets because there are no Asset Status records. The two Assets shown as "Disposed" have already been written off or sold through the Disposal register. There is an option to exclude disposed Assets from the report altogether.

After carrying out the stock count, record the results in an Asset Status record in which you have selected the Inventory option:

When the time comes to carry out a second stock count, print the Stocktaking List - Assets report again. Enter the date of the last stocktake in the specification window:

The report will look like this:

The Status column now takes its cue from the Status field in the grid in the Asset Status record with the specified date. One Asset in the report is marked as "Not Recorded": this was purchased after the last stock count.

You can now carry out the second stocktake and enter the results in a new "Inventory" record in the Asset Status register. It will probably be easy to copy the record representing the previous stocktake and update the quantities as necessary.

If there is a discrepancy between the report and the actual stock, you can record this either by entering a Disposal record (if the Asset is lost) or in a new Asset Status record to change the Person, Department or Status.


The Asset Status register in Standard ERP:

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