
Customer/Supplier Labels

This page describes the Customer/Supplier Labels form in the Sales Ledger and in the Contracts, CRM and Sales Orders.


The Customer/Supplier Labels form, which can be found in the Sales Ledger and in the Sales Orders, Contracts and CRM modules, allows you to print name and address labels for each record in the Contact register. One label will be printed for each Contact.

You can choose to include fields in the Form Template that will print the Invoice Address from the 'Contact' card of the Contact record or the Delivery Address from the 'Delivery' card. If you want to print labels to individual Contact Persons, use the Contact Labels document in the CRM module.

Paste Special    Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter the Customer, Supplier and Contact Person Number or range of Numbers for which you want the labels printed.

By default, the 'Paste Special' list shows Customers. Click (Windows/macOS only) the [Suppliers] button if you need to see Suppliers, and the [All Contacts] button if you need to see Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
If you specify a Customer Category here, labels will be printed for each Contact belonging to that Category.

Paste Special    Contact Classifications setting, CRM module
Select a Contact Classification here if you need labels to be printed for each Contact with that Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, labels will only be printed for those Contacts featuring all the Classifications that you have entered. This Classification field does not support complex search strings using the !, +, *, ( and ) characters.

Paste Special    Routes setting, Stock module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Route here if you need labels to be printed for each Contact with that Route ('Delivery' card).

Start with Label No.
If you will be printing to a sheet of labels, some of which have already been used, specify here where on the sheet you wish to begin printing.

Paste Special    Countries setting, System module
Range Reporting    Alpha
To print labels for Contacts in a particular Country (i.e. with the Country in their Invoice Address), enter that Country here.

Vertical Margin
If you want the labels to be printed with a non-standard vertical margin (vertical spacing between the labels), specify the margin that you want to be used here. The standard margins that will be used if you leave this field empty are:
Label FormatVertical Margin
1 x 11
2 x 8103
3 x 8103
2 x 4206
2 x 7112
Note: entering a vertical margin that is significantly different to standard may result in the printing of fewer labels than expected.

Skip Customers with email Address
Select this option if you only want to print labels for Contacts that do not have email addresses.

Skip Customers with Fax No.
Tick this box if you do not want to print labels for Contacts that have fax numbers.

Include Closed Customers
Usually, labels will not be printed for Closed Contacts (Contacts whose Closed box on the 'Terms' card is ticked). Select this option if you want to include such Contacts in your label printing run.

Customers/Suppliers without Contacts
Use this option if you only want to print labels for Customers and Suppliers that have no related Contact Persons. A label will be printed for a Customer or Supplier that has no related Contact Persons but where a Primary Contact has been specified on the 'Contact' card.

The labels can be sorted by Contact Number, Contact Name or Route.

Choose which of the five standard label formats you would like to use.

Specify the Contacts for whom you want to print Labels, as follows:
One label will be printed for each record in the Contact register that matches the criteria specified above. In the case of Customers and Suppliers, the label will be addressed to the Primary Contact from the 'Contact' card. In the case of Contact Persons, no Company Name will be printed. Use the Contact Labels document if you want to print Contact Persons with Company Names.

One label will be printed for each Customer in the Contact register that matches the criteria specified above. The label will be addressed to the Primary Contact from the 'Contact' card.

One label will be printed for each Supplier in the Contact register that matches the criteria specified above. The label will be addressed to the Primary Contact from the 'Contact' card.
Illustrated below is a sample CUST_LABEL record from the Form Template register in the System module. Note that you should only add each field once to the Form Template: the label printing function will print the fields the appropriate number of times on each page.

Add Fields to the Form Template design in the usual way (click the [Field] button and draw a rectangle where you want the field to appear). When the 'Field' dialogue box opens, specify the Fieldname:

If you find the labels in each row are not aligned properly when printed, set the Format to "Matrix".

If you want static text to be printed on your labels (i.e. text that identifies the information on the labels, such as "Customer Name"), follow these steps:

  1. Click the [Field] button and draw a rectangle where you want the static text to appear. The 'Field' dialogue box opens.

  2. Leave the Fieldname blank and enter the static text in the Field Argument field.

  3. Click [OK] to save.

  4. Do not use the [Text] button for this purpose: any text entered this way will be printed for the first label only.
You can use the following fields when you design the Form Template to be used by the Contact Label document:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Contact record)
Address 1Invoice Address, first line
Address 2Invoice Address, second line
Address 3Invoice Address, third line
Address 5Invoice Address, fourth line
Address 6Invoice Address, fifth line
CommentComment (from the 'Company' card)
Comment 1/ Order CommentOrder Comment
Comment 2/ WarningWarning on Sales
Contact PersonName or Primary Contact, depending on context
Country NameCountry
Customer NameName
Customer NumberNo.
Delivery Address 5Delivery Address, fourth line
Delivery Address 6Delivery Address, fifth line
Document TypePrints "Customer/Supplier Label". This field only prints if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Portuguese"
Job DescriptionCourtesy Title
Job Description 2Job Title
Salutation 1Salutation 1
Salutation 2Salutation 2
Salutation 3Salutation 3
Supplier Address 1Delivery Address, first line
Supplier Address 2Delivery Address, second line
Supplier Address 3Delivery Address, third line


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