
Personnel Payment Journal

This report is a journal of all payments made to members of staff over a selected period. At the end of the report, a total for each Payment Mode is shown, as well as an overall report total.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Limit the report to a single or range of Payments. Invalidated Payments in the range will not be shown.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report period.

Payment Mode
Paste Special    Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
To limit the report to Payments of a single Payment Mode (e.g. Cheque, Cash), enter the Payment Mode here.

This refers to the Payment Mode entered in each Personnel Payment row. In the case of rows with no Payment Mode, that specified in the header will be used.

Not Ordered, Ordered, OKed
Select one or more of the check boxes to specify the types of Payments that are to be included in the report.