
Invoices - Header Fields Part 5

The Header fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form are listed on five pages, as follows:
  • Part 1:

    • Basic Invoice Information

  • Part 2:

    • Invoice - Address Information

    • Invoice - Official Serial Number information

    • Customer Information

    • Customer Bank Information

    • Contact Person Information

    • Branch Information

  • Part 3:

    • Delivery Address Information

    • Freight Company Information

    • Original Invoice Information in Credit Notes

    • Location Information

    • Loyalty Card Information

    • Order Information

    • Payment Information

    • Person/Invoice Creator Information

  • Part 4:

    • Project Information

    • Reservation Information

    • Reverse Charge VAT Information

    • Settlement Discount Information

    • Tax Template Summary

    • Transaction Information

    • VAT Summary

  • Part 5:

    • Country-Specific Fields - Argentina

    • Country-Specific Fields - Bolivia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Brazil

    • Country-Specific Fields - Croatia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Denmark

    • Country-Specific Fields - Finland

    • Country-Specific Fields - Mexico

    • Country-Specific Fields - Norway

    • Country-Specific Fields - Portugal

    • Country-Specific Fields - Russia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Saudi Arabia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Slovenia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Sweden
Row fields are listed here.


Header fields will be printed once per Invoice. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting. This will remove the decimals even in fields where you have used the Field Argument to control the rounding.

Country-Specific Fields - Argentina

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Argentinean Invoice Barcode Prints as a normal string the figures in the barcode constructed from the VAT Reg. No. specified in the Company Info setting, the Document Type and Branch from the Official No., the CAE/CAEA and CAE Expiry, and a check digit.
Argentinean Invoice Barcode (Interleaved 2 of 5 Encoded)Prints as a barcode the barcode constructed from the VAT Reg. No. specified in the Company Info setting, the Document Type and Branch from the Official No., the CAE/CAEA and CAE Expiry, and a check digit. You must include this field in the Form Template that you will use to print Invoices to paper. You should give this field a Style that uses the IDAutomationSHI25M.ttf barcode font, and this font should be present on each computer that will print the form. In this Style, leave the Barcode field empty
Argentinean Invoice CAE/CAEACAE/CAEA
Argentinean Invoice CAE Expiry DateCAE Expiry
Argentinean Invoice CAEA End DateCAEA Expiry
Argentinean Invoice CAEA Start DateCAEA Start
Argentinean Invoice Number No.
Argentinean QR Barcode Prints a QR barcode for the Invoice. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code", the QR Error Correction is "L" and the QR Version is "12"
Credited Invoice Inv. DateIf the Invoice being printed is a Credit Note, prints the Invoice Date of the Invoice being credited
Official Serial NumberOfficial No.
If Official Nos. are generated from a row in the Legal Record Numbers setting in which the No. per Page field contains "Official No per Page" (i.e. if each page in a multi-page Invoice will have a separate Official No.), do not use this field and instead use the "Official Serial Number per Page" field
Official Serial Number of Orig. InvoiceIf the Invoice being printed is a Credit Note, prints the Official No. of the Invoice being credited
Official Serial Number per Page If the Official No. of an Invoice was generated from a row in the Legal Record Numbers setting in which the No. per Page field contains "Official No per Page", each page in a multi-page Invoice will have a separate Official No. The Official No. field in the header of the Invoice record will display the first and last Official Nos separated by a colon. This field will print the relevant Official No. on each page.
If you have some rows in the Legal Record Numbers setting in which the No. per Page field contains "Official No per Page" and some in which it contains "Default", it is recommended that you specify a Classification in each row, and that you assign the relevant Classification to each Customer. You should also specify a Language for each Customer. Then design a separate Invoice Form Template for each Language, including the "Official Serial Number per Page" or "Official Serial Number" fields as appropriate
TAX Sum 2Tax2 (i.e. sum of Perception Taxes, shown in the Tax2 field in the Invoice footer)
Total Internal Taxes Sum of Ext. Tax in each row in which the VAT Code has a Tax Rule belonging to the "Normal with Internal Taxes" Type
Total VAT PerceptionsSum of Ext. Tax in each row in which the VAT Code has a Tax Rule belonging to the "Normal with VAT Perceptions" Type

Please refer to the "Perception Tax" Rows" section on this page for a list of the row fields that can be printed from "Perception Tax" rows in an Invoice.

Country-Specific Fields - Bolivia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Official Serial Number (Bolivia)Official No.
Official Serial Number of Orig.Invoice (Bolivia) In the case of a Credit Note, the Official No. of the Invoice being credited (otherwise blank)
TAX Authority IDTax Auth. ID
QR Code (Bolivia)Prints a QR barcode for the Invoice, including the TOTAL expressed in the Currency of the Invoice. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code" and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page
QR Code in Base 1 (Bolivia)Prints a QR barcode for the Invoice, including the TOTAL converted to Base Currency 1. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code" and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page
QR Code in Base 2 (Bolivia)Prints a QR barcode for the Invoice, including the TOTAL converted to Base Currency 2. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code" and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page
TAX Authority ID Control CodeControl Code
TAX Authority ID Control Code of Orig. InvoiceIn the case of a Credit Note, the Control Code of the Invoice being credited (otherwise blank)
TAX Authority ID of Orig. InvoiceIn the case of a Credit Note, the Tax Auth. ID of the Invoice being credited (otherwise blank)
TAX Authority ID To DateTo Date in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting for the Official No. of the Invoice

Country-Specific Fields - Brazil

Field in Form TemplatePrints
E-invoice ID (Brazil)Constructs and prints the e-invoice ID of an Invoice
Import/Export (Brazil)Items in from the record in the Brazilian Invoice Types setting for the Invoice Type of the Invoice. Prints "1" if Items in is ticked, "0" if it is not ticked or blank if an Invoice does not have an Invoice Type.
NFS-e Issue DateNFS-e Issue Date (this field is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Brazilian")
NFS-e No NFS-e No (this field is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Brazilian")
Operation Nature (Brazil)Description from the record in the Brazilian Invoice Types setting for the Invoice Type of the Invoice. The Brazilian Invoice Types setting is only available and the Invoice Type field is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Brazilian"
QR Code URLQR Code URL (this field is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Brazilian")
RPS Document No. RPS Document No. (this field is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Brazilian")

Country-Specific Fields - Croatia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Control Code (Croatia)Prints the Control Code of an Invoice. This is generated automatically when the Invoice is marked as OK and contains unique identifying data for each Invoice, encrypted and presented in hexadecimal format
Croatian QR Barcode Prints a QR barcode constructed from the URL for the tax authority, the JIR fiscalisation code for the Invoice, the date and time when the Invoice was created and the total value. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code", the QR Error Correction is "L" and the QR Version is "9"
Tax Administration Service SealTax Seal (Tax Seal is only visible on the 'Terms' card of the Invoice record when the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Croatian")

Country-Specific Fields - Denmark

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Danish Reference NumberPrice List

Country-Specific Fields - Finland

The following form fields print information from fields that are only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Finnish":

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Account DimensionAcc. Dimension
Contract NumberContract
Delivery Site Code Delivery Site Code
ReferencePayment Ref
Tender ReferenceTender Ref.
Work Site NumberWork Site Number

Country-Specific Fields - Mexico

When sending an e-Invoice, it will first be sent electronically to the tax authority for approval. Approval will arrive in the form of an xml file. The fields listed below (except "Mexican E-Invoice QR Barcode") will print information taken from the <tfd:TimbreFiscalDigital> tag in the approving xml file:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Digital SealselloCFD
Mexican E-Invoice QR BarcodePrints a QR barcode constructed from the VAT Reg. No. of the Customer, the Invoice TOTAL and the Official No. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code" and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page
Official Serial NumberUUID (i.e. the Official No. in the Invoice)
Tax Administration Service Certificate No.noCertificadoSAT
Tax Administration Service ChainPrints a string constructed from the following information in the in the <tfd:TimbreFiscalDigital> tag: version, UUID, FechaTimbrado, selloCFD, noCertificadoSAT. The length of the service chain means it will be printed over several lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Tax Administration Service Receipt NoselloCFD
Tax Administration Service SealselloSAT (visible in the Tax Seal field on the 'Terms' card of the Invoice record when the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Mexican")
Tax Administration Service Signature TimestampFechaTimbrado

Country-Specific Fields - Norway

Field in Form TemplatePrints
KID ChecksumKID Code checksum
KID CodeKID Code (formatted depending on the Bank, Client Code (OCR) and OCR Code option specified on the 'OCR' card of the Bank Transfer setting)
KID code with no ChecksumKID Code without checksum
To Pay without Decimals for KIDTOTAL, with thousands separator and decimals removed (for example, 1,234.56 will be printed as 1234)

Country-Specific Fields - Poland

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Print DatePrint Date (from the 'Identifiers' card of the Invoice)
Split Payment VAT TextPrints the phrase "SPLIT PAYMENT METHOD" if the TOTAL is greater than the Split VAT min. invoice total specified in the Account Usage S/L setting and if any Item in the Invoice has been marked as a Split Payment Item or belongs to an Item Group that has been marked as containing Split Payment Items

Country-Specific Fields - Portugal

Field in Form TemplatePrints
ATCUDPrints the ATCUD (AT códico único de documento) for the Invoice, constructed from the validation code in the ATCUD field in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting (flip B) for the Official No. of the Invoice, followed by a dash, followed by the Official No.
Copy of the original document (SAFT portugal)If the Status of the Invoice is "Manual" or "Recovered from Damaged Database", prints "Cópia do documento original-" followed by characters signifying the Invoice Type (i.e. Invoice, Cash Note, Credit Note or Interest Invoice) and the Status (i.e. Manual or Recovered) followed by the Official No. 2
Customer TypePrints "Not VAT registered" if the Type on the 'Company' card of the Contact record for the Customer is "Person" (otherwise blank)
Global Transport DateGlobal Transport Date
Global Transport No.Global Transport No.
Portuguese QR Barcode Prints a QR barcode for the Invoice. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code" and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page
Portuguese SAFT Hash ControlPrints a string constructed from characters 1, 11, 21 and 31 of the hash signature of the Invoice, a hyphen and the phrase "Processado por programa certificado nº 2020 /AT Standard ERP"

Country-Specific Fields - Russia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Payment Number for RussiaPrints the No. of the Invoice with the first three characters removed
Receipt InfoReceipt Info (Receipt Info is only visible in the Invoice record if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Russian". In an Invoice created from a Prepayment Receipt using the 'Prepayment Invoice' function on the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android), the Receipt Info field will contain the Prepayment Number and Date)
Subtotal in Base Currency 2 including commissionSum of the values in the "Price in Base Currency 2 including commission, row" row field (you must include the "Price in Base Currency 2 including commission, row" row field in the Form Template for the sum to be calculated)
VAT in Base Currency 2 including commission Sum of the values in the "VAT Value in Base Currency 2 incl commission, row" row field (you must include the "VAT Value in Base Currency 2 incl commission, row" row field in the Form Template for the sum to be calculated)

Country-Specific Fields - Saudi Arabia

Field in Form TemplatePrints/b>
Saudi Arabian QR Barcode Prints a QR barcode constructed from the Company Name and VAT Reg. No. of the seller, the date and time when the Invoice was created, the total value of the Invoice and the value of the VAT. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "QR Code", the QR Error Correction is "L" and the QR Version is "9"

Country-Specific Fields - Slovenia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Digital SealPrints the ZOI (Zaščitna oznaka izdajatelja računa) in hexadecimal notation
Reference (Slovenian)Prints Salutation 1 + Salutation 2 + Salutation 3 + ANA Code from the Contact record for the Customer, separated by spaces
Slovenian Fiscal Invoice Barcode 128 Prints a string constructed as follows: ZOI in decimal notation + tax number of the Salesman + Invoice date/time + control digit.
Each Salesman should have their own record in the Contact register, connected to their Person record The tax number of a Salesman will be taken from the VAT Reg. No. field in their Contact record.
You can enter "15" or "20" as the Field Argument in this field If you enter "15", the string will be printed on four lines with 15 characters in each line. If you enter "20", the string will be printed on three lines with 20 characters in each line. In both cases, you should specify a Line Height for this field. If you leave the Field Argument blank, the string will be printed on one line.
You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "Code 128" and that uses a suitable barcode font.
Slovenian Fiscal Invoice QR BarcodePrints the same string as the “Slovenian Fiscal Invoice Barcode 128” field, as a QR barcode. You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to “QR Code” and the QR Version to an appropriate value for the size of the QR Code on the page.
The minimum size of the barcode should be 14 mm x 14 mm.
You should include either the “Slovenian Fiscal Invoice Barcode 128” field or the “Slovenian Fiscal Invoice QR Barcode” field in the Form Template, but not both.
The height of the barcode should be at least 3.5 mm
Tax Administration Service SealPrints the EOR (Enkratna identifikacijska oznaka računa)

The fields listed below print information from the Main Premise setting in the System module. This setting is only available in Slovenia (i.e. it is available when the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is "Slovenian").

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Premise AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Premise Address 0First line of the Address
Premise Address 1Second line of the Address
Premise Address 2Third line of the Address
Premise Address 3Fourth line of the Address
Premise Address 4Fifth line of the Address
Premise Building Section No. Building Section No.
Premise Cadastral Building No.Building No.
Premise Cadastral No. Cadastral No.
Premise CodeCode
Premise NameName
Premise Registration No. Reg. No.
Premise VAT No.VAT Reg. No.

Country-Specific Fields - Sweden

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Fiscal Device Sequence NumberFiscal Device Sequence Number (sequence number of each Invoice recorded on CleanCash fiscal control unit)
Freight Note NumberPrints the No. of the Order from which the Invoice was created, prefixed by "983 " and with a check digit as a suffix. Any text that you specify as the Field Argument will be used both as a prefix and a suffix
Terminal IDTerminal ID (i.e. serial number of CleanCash fiscal control unit)


Pages listing the fields that you can use in the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form:


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