Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Job Costing >> Examples Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 8.5 Job Costing Example - Time Recording This example describes recording the time spent working on a Project.--- You can record the time spent working on Projects using Activities or using Time Sheets. Only Service Items can be used in Activities, so take care to specify Service Items in each Activity Type. Each Activity Type can in turn belong to an Activity Class. It may be that you will only need a single Activity Class to represent all your time recording Activity Types. Select the Create Project Transaction option in each Activity Class that will used with time recording, and choose Time as the Calendar option (Project Transactions will not be created from Profile or Don't Show Activities). You can also configure your Activity Classes to force users to enter a Project, a Time and an Invoice Item whenever they use an Activity Type belonging to the Class in an Activity. This ensures that Projects, Time and Invoice Items will always be entered in these Activities. Time SheetsYou can also use the Time Sheet register to record the time spent working on a Project. How you enter an individual Time Sheet record can vary depending on what suits your organisation. You may choose to enter one Time Sheet per Project, one per Person per Project or one per week. There is a lot of flexibility. In this example, we show the Time Sheet for the first day's work:When you tick the OK box in the Time Sheet and then save it, separate records will be created in the Project Transaction register for each Time Sheet row. If you specified in the Project Budget that time will be invoiced on an "Actual" basis, these records will later used by the routine that creates Invoices for Projects. How Hourly Rates are CalculatedIn both cases (Time Sheets and Activities), the hourly rate for time (i.e. for Service Items) to be charged to the Customer will be shown in the Price field in each Project Transaction. For details about how it is calculated, please refer to the Pricing and Costs - Time, Purchases and Materials from Time Sheets and Activities page.--- Job Costing example: