
Introduction to Customer Documents

Customer documents can be printed from the Sales Ledger. Use the Modules menu to ensure you are in the Sales Ledger and then select 'Documents' from the File menu or click [Documents] in the Master Control panel. Then, double-click the appropriate item in the list. A specification window will then appear, where you can decide the Customers for which documents are to be printed. Click [Run] to print the documents.

It is often possible to report on a selection range, such as a range of Customers. To do this, enter the lowest and highest values of the range, separated by a colon. For example, to report on Customers 001 to 010, enter "001:010" in the Customer field. Depending on the field, the sort used might be alpha or numeric. In the case of an alpha sort, a range of 1:2 would also include 100, 10109, etc.

To determine which Form is printed, follow this procedure (when Hansa is supplied, a sample Form will be printed):

  1. Design a Form (or change the sample Form supplied to reflect your own requirements) using the Form register in the System module. This process is fully described here. The sample Form supplied has the Form Code "CUST_LABEL".

  2. Change to the Sales Ledger module and open the 'Documents' window using the 'Documents' item on the File menu or by clicking the [Documents] button in the Master Control panel.

  3. Highlight the item in the list and select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu. The subsequent window is used to assign a Form (or more than one Form) to the document and is fully described here. In this instance, enter "CUST_LABEL" in the Form field of the first line.

  4. The 'Define Document' function only needs to be used once. After this has been done, Form selection will be automatic.