
Quantity Discounts - Quantity Dependent Discounts

This register in the Pricing module is used to define the quantity breaks which will be used by the Discount Matrix register. You can establish as many sets of quantity breaks as necessary. They can be based on sales quantity, sales value, weight or volume. Each set of quantity breaks can be used by any number of Discount Matrices, allowing you to define different discount structures based on the same quantity breaks.
The code for the definition, by which it will be identified from the Discount Matrix screen.

A text describing the definition.

These fields are used to define the quantities which are to function as the threshold for each discount level (i.e. the quantity breaks). These quantities can be values, quantities, weights or volumes, specified using the Model options to the right.

In the example illustrated, the discount structure is based on the Order or Invoice quantity. There are three discount levels: fewer than four items, between four and seven items, and seven items or more. To implement this, "0" has been entered in the first row, "4" in the second and "7" in the third. The percentage discounts for each discount level are defined in the corresponding Column fields on the Discount Matrix screen.

Select one of the alternatives to indicate how the calculation will be made.
The discount level will be based on the total value of the Invoice or Order row.

The discount level will be based on the Order Quantity of the Invoice or Order row.

Weight, Volume
Weight or volume will be used as the base.