Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Hotel >> Group Reservation Register Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 8.5 Create Menu - Group Reservation - Invoice This page describes the 'Invoice' function on the Create menu in the Group Reservation record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Invoice' function is on the + menu.--- The 'Invoice' function will create an Invoice for the Customer in the Group Reservation. The Items (e.g. Room charges, Package Items, Repetitive Items and/or any other Items) that have been assigned to the Customer's Guest Account in each Sub Reservation will all be included in the Invoice. For example, a Group Reservation might be in the name of a parent, and it might contain Sub Reservations for two Rooms, for parents and children. The parent will be the Customer in the Group Reservation and in both Sub Reservations. As the Customer, the parent will have Guest Accounts in both Sub Reservations, and the Room charges will be assigned to those Guest Accounts. The Room charges for both Rooms will then be included in the Invoice if you create it using this function in the Group Reservation. If any extra Items have been assigned to any of the individual Guests (i.e. to the other Guest Accounts), you will need to create Invoices for those Guest Accounts from the individual Sub Reservations, as described here. You will be reminded to do this when checking out. If you do not want a Sub Reservation to be included in the Invoice created from the Group Reservation and instead you need it to be invoiced separately, select the Pay Separately option on the 'Other' card in the Sub Reservation. Again, you will need to create all Invoices for the Sub Reservation from the Sub Reservation. You can create an Invoice from a Group Reservation in two ways:
When the Invoice is complete, tick the OK check box and save. This signifies that the Invoice has been approved. Associated transactions in the Nominal Ledger (including cost of sales postings if you are using this option) will be created if you have so determined using the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger and in the Number Series - Invoices setting. You will no longer be able to modify the Invoice. Please refer here for a full description of the Invoice window, including detailed information about marking Invoices as OK, printing them and generating Nominal Ledger Transactions. As already mentioned, the Group Reservation and the Invoice will be connected to each other through the Link Manager facility. This allows you to open the Group Reservation quickly and easily when reviewing the Invoice, or to open the Invoice from the Group Reservation. --- The Group Reservation register in Standard ERP: