
Personal Desktop - Notes and Comments in your Personal Desktop

You can place notes or comments in your Personal Desktop. To do this, bring the Master Control panel to the front and select 'Create Note' from the Operations menu. A window will open, where you can type in your comment.

Click [Save] to save. The note will appear in your Personal Desktop with the prefix "Note:". If you want to identify the note with a name, refer to the Changing the Names of Items in your Personal Desktop page. You can place as many notes as you like in your Personal Desktop.

You can read a note or comment in your Personal Desktop in one of two ways:

  1. By clicking on the note in the Personal Desktop and selecting 'OK' from the Record menu; and

  2. By double-clicking on the note in the Personal Desktop.
Whichever method you use, the note is opened in its own window where you can read or edit it.