
Quotations Classes

The Quotation Class is a means of analysing Quotations for reporting or prioritising. When entering a Quotation, you can assign it to a Quotation Class. This will be visible in the 'Quotations: Browse' window. The Quotation Class can be used as a search criterion in the Quotation Journal report.

The 'Quotation Classes: Inspect' window lists the available Quotation Classes: to enter a new item, click in the first blank row.

In the Quotation Class entry window, enter the following data.
Enter the Code for the Quotation Class in this field. The code may contain up to five characters, and you may freely mix letters and numbers.

To make it easier to remember what the different codes stand for, you can enter a short descriptive text in this field.
Click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save the changes. To close the window without saving changes, click the close box.