
Introduction to the Returned Goods to Supplier Register

The Returned Goods to Supplier register allows you to manage Supplier returns. You should add a new record to this register whenever you need to return goods to a Supplier. Each record in the Returned Goods to Supplier register will be connected to a Purchase Order, and it can be either a full Return or a part Return. You cannot use the Returned Goods to Supplier register if you are not subscribing to the Purchase Orders module: use the Stock Depreciation register to remove Items from stock if you are unable to use the Returned Goods to Supplier register.

The difficulty with the returning of goods to their Suppliers is to establish the actual value of the goods being returned. When you remove Items from stock using Deliveries or the Stock Depreciation register, the cost of those Items will be calculated using your usual Cost Model. The value of Items that you remove from stock using the Returned Goods to Supplier register will be calculated in the same way. It may be that this value will not be the same as the value of the Credit Note that you receive from the Supplier, in which case the difference should be posted as a Variance. Before entering any Returned Goods to Supplier records, you should therefore specify a Ret. Goods to Supp. Variance Account in the Account Usage Stock setting. Please refer to the Returned Goods to Supplier Variance page for more details.

When you mark a Return as OK and save, the stock levels of the Items in the Return will be updated accordingly. In addition and if so defined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger and in the Number Series - Returned Goods to Supplier setting, a Nominal Ledger Transaction will be generated automatically to update the stock valuation in the Nominal Ledger. If you receive a replacement unit, you can create another Goods Receipt from the Purchase Order. Otherwise, if you have already received a Purchase Invoice and you do not require a replacement, you can create a Credit Note from the Purchase Invoice. You can also create a Credit Note from the Returned Goods to Supplier record itself, providing you are not using the Consolidate Items to Supplier Cost Account option in the Purchase Invoice Settings setting in the Purchase Ledger. If you have created more than one Invoice from the Purchase Order, you must create the Credit Note from the original Purchase Invoice.

To open the Returned Goods to Supplier register, ensure you are in the Stock module and click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre. Then, double-click or tap 'Returned Goods to Supplier' in the resulting list. The 'Returned Goods to Supplier: Browse' window will be opened. In this window, Returns will normally be listed in number order, with the Return Number of each Return being shown in the left-hand column (in Poland and Portugal there will be an additional column displaying the Official Number). The Return Number will be followed by a tick if a Return has been marked as OK, the Date, Location, originating Purchase Order Number, Supplier Number and Name and Comment. As in all browse windows, you can re-sort the list and search for particular records.

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