
Local Settings

The Local Machine setting in the User Settings module contains various options controlling the behaviour of each till and cash machine. On tills that have live connections to the server, you must configure this setting separately on each till. You can also do this on tills with live-sync connections to the server, but an alternative is to configure the Local Machine setting for these tills remotely. This has the following advantages:
  • You can store the configurations of each till in one place, making maintenance and updating easier.

  • The responsibility for configuring the Local Machine setting on the tills will be taken away from the cashiers.

  • It may not be possible to configure the Local Machine setting on the tills (e.g. if they do not have keyboards).

  • If the database on a till is lost, it will be easy to create a new one.
To configure the Local Machine setting for live-sync tills remotely, follow these steps:
  1. Working on a desktop client, change to the Technics module. To be able to work in this module, your Person or Global User record should belong to an Access Group that explicitly grants full access to the Technics module.

  2. Open the Local Machines setting, and create a separate record for each live-sync till. This setting is also in the Point of Sales and Restaurant modules.

  3. Remaining in the Technics module, open the Local Settings setting and again create a separate record for each live-sync till.

  4. In the Code field in each record, choose a Local Machine using 'Paste Special'. Set the Type to "POS Client".

    Apart from the Code and the Type, all the fields in a record in the Local Settings setting are the same as those in the Local Machine setting. Fill in the fields as though you were working in that setting on each till. Please refer here for descriptions of the fields on the 'Defaults' card, here for details about the 'POS' card and here for details about the 'POS Appearance' card.

  5. When you connect a live-sync till to the server for the first time, you will assign a Local Machine Code to that till. A local database will be created on the till and when connection is established, all necessary information will be sent from the server to the local database as part of the synchronisation process. Included will be the record in the Local Settings setting with the relevant Local Machine Code. The information in this record will be sent to the Local Machine setting in the local database on the till.

  6. If you change a record in the Local Settings setting, that change will be sent to the local database on the relevant till the next time it synchronises with the server.

Settings related to Point of Sales:

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