
Introduction to the Service Stock Transaction Register

Service Stock Transactions allow you to register a movement of a repair item in to or out of the workshop. You will need to create Service Stock Transactions when receiving repair items in for servicing, when returning repair items to their manufacturer for repair or exchange, when you receive them back from the manufacturer and, finally, when you return them to the Customer.

To open the Service Stock Transaction register, first ensure you are in the Service Orders module. Then, if you are using Windows or macOS, click the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre and double-click 'Service Stock Transactions' in the resulting list. If you are using iOS or Android, tap the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre and then tap 'Service Stock Transactions' in the 'Registers' list. In both cases, the 'Service Stock Transactions: Browse' window will be opened, listing the Service Stock Transactions that you have already entered:

The OK column will contain "√" for transactions that you have marked as OK.

Please refer to the following pages for more details about the Service Stock Transaction register in Standard ERP:


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