
Introduction to Imports in the Nominal Ledger

The 'Imports' function allows you to import information from tab-delimited text files exported from other HansaWorld Enterprise databases or Companies, or from other applications such as spreadsheets.

To import a file, first ensure you are in the Nominal Ledger and click the [Routines] button in the Master Control panel. Then click the [Imports] button in the subsequent window. You can also use the Ctrl-Shift-I/⌘-Shift-I keyboard shortcut. An 'Imports' list window will then appear. There are four import options in the Nominal Ledger: double-click an option to start the import. An 'Open File' dialogue box will appear, asking you to locate the file to be imported. Click [Open] and the import will begin.

There is also an import function relevant to the Nominal Ledger in the Integration module. To use this function, you must log in as a Person whose Access Group explicitly grants full access to the Integration module. Change to the Integration module, and then proceed as described in the previous paragraph.