
Stock Adjustments

From time to time the stock balances need to be adjusted for returned goods etc. Such adjustments can be entered as Goods Receipt transactions. This method will be useful for goods that are being returned where there was no original Sales Order (i.e. there was an Invoice only). In this case, entering and approving the Credit Note will not usually update stock levels because of the difficulty of obtaining a FIFO valuation. Instead, the goods should be returned to stock through the medium of a Goods Receipt. Be careful that the cost prices are set correctly, in agreement with the stock valuation method you have selected: you will probably need to find out the true value of the Item from flip C of the original Invoice. The stock valuation in the Nominal Ledger will be updated from the Goods Receipt if you are using Hansa's cost accounting facilities.

The entering of Credit Notes is described here while a discussion of the stock implications of Credit Notes can be found here. Cost accounting is described here. If there is an original Sales Order, the stock implications of a return are catered for using the Returned Goods register.