

Use this document to print out hard copies of each Activity, perhaps for the files maintained for each Customer. You can also print a single Activity while entering or viewing it by clicking the Printer icon, or print it to screen by clicking the Preview icon.

Note that you must specify at least a Customer or an Activity Type, otherwise no Activities will be printed.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the period for which you wish Activities to be printed. To print Activities for a particular day, simply enter the date once. FirstOffice will then convert it to period format by inserting a colon and repeating the date.

Customer No
Paste Special    Customers and Suppliers in Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number (or range of Customer Numbers) to print Activities for a particular Customer.

Activity Type
Paste Special    Activity Types setting, Sales Support module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter an Activity Type Code to print Activities of a particular Type.

Not Done, Done
Use these options to specify whether not Done and/or Done Activities are to be printed.