
Mails and Conferences

Mails in Conferences can be read in much the same way as those in your Mailbox, as described here. To gain access to your Conferences, click the [Conferences] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Conferences' window opens, showing the Conferences and folders in alphabetical order.

To open a Conference or folder, double-click its icon.

If you open a folder, its contents are then shown. In this example, the "Offices" folder has been opened to reveal three Conferences:

To return to the previous level, double-click the arrow in the top left-hand corner.

If you open a Conference, a browse window opens, listing its Mails in date order. The title of the browse window shows the name of the Conference.

Mail that you have not yet read will be shown with the 'envelope' icon. To read a Mail, double-click it in the list. Once you have read it, you can add your comments, as described on the Replying to and Amending Mail page.

You can send a new Mail to the Conference while its browse window is open. Click the [New] button in the Button Bar: a new Mail window opens:

Note that the name of your Mailbox is shown as the sender, and the name of the Conference is the first recipient. Complete the Mail in the same manner as described earlier in this section, add more recipients if necessary, check the Sent box and save. The Mail immediately appears in the Conference's browse window, without the 'envelope' icon for you (the author) but with one for all other users.