
Delivery Addresses - Header

Paste Special    Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons in Contact register
Enter the Customer, Supplier or Contact Person Number or use the 'Paste Special' function. When you press Return, the Name of the Customer, Supplier or Contact Person will be entered into the next field.

By default, the 'Paste Special' list shows Customers. Click the [Suppliers] button if you need to see Suppliers, and the [All Contacts] button if you need to see Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons.

The Customer, Supplier or Contact Person Name is entered after you have entered the Customer, Supplier or Contact Person Number.

Del. Code
Enter a code by which the Delivery Address is to be identified from elsewhere in HansaWorld Enterprise. There is space for up to five characters. The code has to be unique amongst Delivery Addresses for the Contact, but not unique amongst Delivery Addresses as a whole.

Enter a brief description of the Delivery Address here (e.g. the first line of the address). This will be shown in the 'Paste Special' list, so it should be clear enough to allow selection of the correct Delivery Address to be quick and easy.