
Info on Customer Status Report

You can use this setting to specify what will be shown in the Customer Status Report when it is produced by different users using the Operations menu function of the 'Customers: Browse' and 'Customer: Inspect' windows. The setting has no effect on Customer Status reports produced using the 'Reports' function in the Sales Ledger.

You can save a separate record in this setting for each Person, so each user can customise the report to their particular requirements. These records are listed when you double-click 'Info on Customer Status Report' in the 'Settings' list in the Sales Support module. To create a new record, click the [New] button in the Button Bar, or highlight a record in the list that is similar to the one that you are about to create and click [Duplicate].

The following window opens:

If you have the Quotations Value Pack, this setting will contain some extra options not shown in the illustration above. These extra options are described here.
Paste Special    Person register, System module
Enter the user's initials in the User field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. FirstOffice will prevent you from entering more than one record for a particular Person.

Include Activities
Check this box if Done Activities are to be included whenever the user entered to the field above produces a Customer Status report.

Include Not Done
If Activities that are not Done are to be included as well, check this box. This means Activities of all kinds will be listed. This box has no effect if the Include Activities box is not checked.

Last Done Activities
Specify here the maximum number of Done Activities that will be shown in the report when produced by the Person in question. The most recent Done Activities will be shown. If the Include Not Done box is checked, all such Activities that are later than the earliest Done Activity will also be shown. Leave the field blank to list all Activities.

Include Invoices
Check this box if Invoices are to be listed in Customer Status Reports produced by the Person entered in the User field above. You should also specify which Invoices are to be included by checking the All Open box and/or entering a number in the Last Paid Invoices field.

All Open
Check this box if open (unpaid) Invoices are to be listed.

Last Paid Invoices
If you want paid Invoices to be shown in the report, specify here how many are to be included.

Include Orders
Check this box if Orders are to be included whenever the user entered to the field above produces a Customer Status Report. The check box will have no effect if the Number of Orders field is blank.

Order Class
Paste Special    Order Classes setting, Sales Support module
Enter an Order Class here to restrict the listing to Orders belonging to that Class.

Number of Orders
Specify here the maximum number of Orders that will be shown in the report, starting with the most recent. No Orders will be shown if you do not enter a number.
To save a user's Customer Status Report setting, click the close box and elect to save changes.