
Structure of Price Lists

FirstOffice allows you to assign different Prices to individual Items so that each Price is associated with a particular Price List. For example, many retail outlets have different prices for their retail and trade Customers, or different retail and educational prices. You might then have separate retail, trade and educational Price Lists, each of which is available to the appropriate kind of Customer. When you enter a Customer in an Order or Invoice, the appropriate Price List will be used and so the correct prices will be selected automatically.

In planning such a price structure, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Items with their Base Prices, using the Item register.

  2. Define each Price List (in our example, retail, trade and educational) using the Price Lists setting in the Sales Ledger.

  3. The Items that are to appear on the Price Lists should be attached as necessary. For each Item on each Price List, enter a record to the Price register (available in the Sales Ledger and the Sales Support module) with an appropriate price. In our example, for each Item three Price records should be entered, containing the retail, trade and education prices. If a Price List is specified for a Customer that you then use in an in an Order or Invoice, FirstOffice searches in the Price register for the appropriate, and unique, record representing the particular Item for that Price List.

  4. You can now assign a Price List to each Customer or Customer Category. When you enter an Order or Invoice for a particular Customer, the specified Price List will be used automatically. If you sell an Item that is not on the appropriate Price List, the Base Price will be used.

  5. You can print Price Lists, or export them to disk for incorporation into your company's publicity material. Print Price Lists using the report of the same name, available in the Sales Support module and the Sales Ledger.
Click for descriptions of steps 2 and 3.