Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Kassa >> Väljamaksete register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.4 Operations Menu - Personnel Payment - Prepare Cheque This page describes the 'Prepare Cheque' function on the Operations menu in the Personnel Payment record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Prepare Cheque' function is on the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon).--- If you have the Cheques module, you can use the 'Prepare Cheque' function to connect an individual Personnel Payment row to an unused Own Cheque record (in the Own Cheque register in the Cheques module). If there is no unused Own Cheque record, a new one will be created. To use the 'Prepare Cheque' function, first create a new Personnel Payment and specify the Person(s) that you want to pay. Make sure that you specify a Payment Mode in which the Type is "Own Cheques", either in the Personnel Payment header or in a particular Personnel Payment row. Place the insertion point in the row that you wish to connect to an Own Cheque record. The Cheque field in this row must be empty. Then, choose 'Prepare Cheque' from the Operations menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or Tools menu (iOS/Android). If there is a suitable unused Own Cheque (i.e. Unused, with a blank Bank Account and with no Amount), it will be opened for inspection and checking. To create Own Cheques without Amounts, use the 'Create Own Cheques' Maintenance function in the Cheques module. If there is no suitable unused Own Cheque, a new one will be opened. The window titles will be 'Own Cheque: Update' in the first case, meaning that the record contains unsaved changes, and 'Own Cheque: New' in the second case, meaning that the record has not yet been saved. After amendment if necessary, save the record in the Own Cheque register by clicking the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or tapping √ (iOS/Android) in the Button Bar. If the function created a new Own Cheque, you will need to specify a Cheque No. before saving. The Own Cheque window will be closed, returning you to the Personnel Payment. The Serial Number of the Cheque record will be copied to the Cheque field in the Personnel Payment row. To print the cheque(s) from the Personnel Payment, use the 'Print Cheques' function immediately below this one on the Operations/Tools menu.
The Personnel Payment register in Standard ERP:
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