Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Kassa >> Seadistused Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Legal Cash In No. This page describes the Legal Cash In No. setting in the Cash Book module.--- In Lithuania, it is a legal requirement that all Cash In records be given an Official Serial Number. These can be supplied pre-printed on Invoice stationery. Each company is assigned a number sequence to be used for this purpose. You should specify that number sequence here. All the numbers in a particular sequence will be used up before the next sequence begins. The Date is the earliest date when a sequence can be used. For example, referring to the illustration above, if 50 Cash In records are created in January using numbers 101-151, the remaining numbers 152-200 will be used in February. The next sequence 201-300 is dated February 1, which is the earliest date when that sequence can be used. Depending on how many Cash In records are created, it might be that this 201-300 sequence is not used until March or April or even later in the year. However, after February 1 you can change to the 201-300 sequence using 'Paste Special', hence the composition of the 'Paste Special' list. --- Go back to: