
Inspecting and Approving Expenses

If you did not approve the Expense record when you first entered it, you must return to it to approve it in order for the Nominal Ledger Transaction to be generated. The approval also causes the Expense record to be locked, so that it cannot be altered after this point.

There are two ways to approve an Expense record:

  1. When viewing an Expense record, click the OK check box; or

  2. Highlight one or more Expense records in the 'Expenses: Browse' window and select 'OK' from the Operations menu.
An example Nominal Ledger Transaction created from an Expense record is shown below. In normal circumstances, the Debit Account(s) will be as specified in the Account field in the Expense row(s). The Credit Account will be taken from the 'Bonus' card of the Person record of the member of personnel in question.

Objects on the debit side are those entered to the appropriate row of the Expense record, while those on the credit side are taken from the 'Bonus' card of the Person record.

Once the Transaction has been generated, you can look at it straight away using the 'Open NL Transaction' function on the Operations menu.